The Virtual Pub
Come Inside... => The Snug => Topic started by: Miss Demeanour on April 27, 2020, 08:59:20 PM
I really, really, really , really cannot tolerate this repeated messaging anymore. It is doing my noodle in !!!
I am being compliant. I understand the roolz.
If I was going to break the roolz now it wouldn't be because I didn't comprehend that staying at home is the sensible solution.
Repeating it at every opportunity a gazillion times a day is driving me to despair and I doubt if it achieves much this many weeks in - especially as you can go out for work, shopping and exercise .
However the lockdown logo must be heard at least every 5 minutes or we will all forget , run towards the sun and cross the path of others !!!
You is not alone
You is not alone
Mulder........ rubschin:
Prior to this event I had never left the house with the intention of getting run over ..I must be ahead of my time :thumbsup:
I want to know where all the hippies and slags who fill my timeline with adverts and posters for f88king healing crystals are now ....... cussing: cussing: cussing:
The only amusement I can get out of it is the thought of the people that campaigned for plastic straws to be banned chucking away a pair of gloves and empty sanitiser bottle every five minutes... lol:
The only amusement I can get out of it is the thought of the people that campaigned for plastic straws to be banned chucking away a pair of gloves and empty sanitiser bottle every five minutes... lol:
lol: lol: lol:
You is not alone
Mulder........ rubschin:
rubschin: rubschin: does that make you ?
I want to know where all the hippies and slags who fill my timeline with adverts and posters for f88king healing crystals are now ....... cussing: cussing: cussing:
Too poorly to post? whistle:
I want to know where all the hippies and slags who fill my timeline with adverts and posters for f88king healing crystals are now ....... cussing: cussing: cussing:
Too poorly to post? whistle:
we can hope
The only amusement I can get out of it is the thought of the people that campaigned for plastic straws to be banned chucking away a pair of gloves and empty sanitiser bottle every five minutes... lol:
Thumbs: Thumbs:
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Is this Nick ..... rubschin:
( (
Is this Nick ..... rubschin:
lol: lol: lol:
The daily briefings consistently talk about increased use of traffic. Well, yes. there are nearly three quarters of a million volunteers delivering stuff and the supermarkets have increased their home deliveries!! Banghead Banghead
Today's new buzzwords that make me fume.
The Council is apparently now focusing on recovery and renaissance !!!!
( (
Today's new buzzwords that make me fume.
The Council is apparently now focusing on recovery and renaissance !!!!
Painting . rubschin:..the council was good at that ....... Thumbs:
Ooh they are all tres excited now that everyone has managed to work from home and see this as an 'opportunity' to review services and provision ...oh and of course make savings!!!
Tax breaks on home offices, you say?
Ooh they are all tres excited now that everyone has managed to work from home and see this as an 'opportunity' to review services and provision ...oh and of course make savings!!!
Start a rumour that this is a great idea as it will enable top management to be reduced. They'll forget the idea
Ooh they are all tres excited now that everyone has managed to work from home and see this as an 'opportunity' to review services and provision ...oh and of course make savings!!!
Start a rumour that this is a great idea as it will enable top management to be reduced. They'll forget the idea
Ooh they are all tres excited now that everyone has managed to work from home and see this as an 'opportunity' to review services and provision ...oh and of course make savings!!!
Start a rumour that this is a great idea as it will enable top management to be reduced. They'll forget the idea
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: