The Virtual Pub

Come Inside... => Saloon Bar => Topic started by: GROWLER on September 26, 2007, 07:53:14 AM

Title: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 26, 2007, 07:53:14 AM
Dunno if this has already been covered in here? Feel free to delete if it has.

The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed "too British".

Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might be "offensive" to other countries taking part in the Games. The display team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display team "too militaristically British". Red Arrows pilots were said to be "outraged", as they had hoped to put on a truly world class display for the Games, something which had never been seen before. Being axed from a British-based event for being "too British" is an insult - the Arrows are a symbol of Britain.

The Red Arrows have been excellent ambassadors for British overseas trade, as they display their British-built Hawk aircraft all over the world.

The Arrows performed a short flypast in 2005 when the winning bid was announced, but their flypast at the Games was to have been truly spectacular.


 rubschin: Sorry. Believable now.

Too British? happy001

Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 26, 2007, 08:09:44 AM
Daily Mail, by any chance?
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Barman on September 26, 2007, 08:15:04 AM
Dunno if this has already been covered in here? Feel free to delete if it has.

The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed "too British".

Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might be "offensive" to other countries taking part in the Games. The display team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display team "too militaristically British". Red Arrows pilots were said to be "outraged", as they had hoped to put on a truly world class display for the Games, something which had never been seen before. Being axed from a British-based event for being "too British" is an insult - the Arrows are a symbol of Britain.

The Red Arrows have been excellent ambassadors for British overseas trade, as they display their British-built Hawk aircraft all over the world.

The Arrows performed a short flypast in 2005 when the winning bid was announced, but their flypast at the Games was to have been truly spectacular.


 rubschin: Sorry. Believable now.

Too British? happy001


There is even a petition you can sign-up to?  whistle:

Obviously, they will totally ignore it as it doesn?t suit their small minded view of things?  noooo:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Barman on September 26, 2007, 08:17:38 AM
I'm next to Nick!  whistle:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 26, 2007, 08:18:02 AM
More patrons will join us soon I am sure!
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 26, 2007, 08:19:02 AM
Daily Mail, by any chance?

No actually. I copied it from a Newcastle FC forum! lol:

Original source unknown but irrelevant anyway. It stinks.
Don't like 'Britishness'?

Well PISS OFF then. evil:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 26, 2007, 08:20:04 AM
I'm next to Nick!  whistle:

Made your Will out then? eeek:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 26, 2007, 08:21:13 AM
More patrons will join us soon I am sure!

Why? What's up with it confused:?
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 26, 2007, 08:21:39 AM
I think GM is a worried man today _ I was transmitting Nicko-rays all night.
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 26, 2007, 08:22:00 AM
More patrons will join us soon I am sure!

Why? What's up with it confused:?

Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 26, 2007, 08:22:53 AM
So soon.....what's this thread about? ::)
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Snoopy on September 26, 2007, 08:27:25 AM
The very latest that Golden Brown can string it out to is 2010. By June of that year he must stand for election. By that time, with a little luck and a following wind we should have Boris as Mayor of London (Well anybody other than Red Ken will do) and somebody else in Number Ten. Labour out and all the plans will change including this nonsense.
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 26, 2007, 08:30:36 AM
So soon.....what's this thread about? ::)

Signing petitions. I signed. Barman signed at the same time. More of us will sign in due course. Geddit?

I am surrounded by idiots noooo:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Barman on September 26, 2007, 08:31:35 AM
So soon.....what's this thread about? ::)

Signing petitions. I signed. Barman signed at the same time. More of us will sign in due course. Geddit?

I am surrounded by idiots noooo:
Ahem...  whistle:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 26, 2007, 08:33:15 AM
Well I am. Including the effing Chatterbox painter evil:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 26, 2007, 08:37:15 AM
Well I am. Including the effing Chatterbox painter evil:

Why don't you give him a hand to speed things up then?
You're good at painting.  noooo:
Take the kerbstones and the interior of me car for instance, not to mention your clothes, hands and ....yea, blue beard!.  lol:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 26, 2007, 08:40:02 AM
Blue tongue  point:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Sour Puss on September 26, 2007, 10:45:36 PM
Blue tongue  point:

I signed it then I noticed another 10 on a topic close to my heart and signed all of them as well.  cloud9:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 26, 2007, 11:01:51 PM
Blue tongue  point:

I signed it then I noticed another 10 on a topic close to my heart and signed all of them as well.  cloud9:

Does number bloody ten REALLY take any notice though I wonder?
They will do as they please, and raise two fingers at us mere mortals, just like they have done for centuries. Gets. evil:

I haven't signed as I'm a bit dubious about our names all being gathered in a 'trouble making cranks' file for future early morning knocks on the door from men in black.

I'll stand side by side with fellow revolutioners, but not on my own looking down a gun barrel in me gruns at 3 in the morning thanks.

Just call me an over cautious old cynic if you want, but I DO NOT trust these bastards in power. Power being the operative word imo.
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Sour Puss on September 27, 2007, 08:34:51 AM
Blue tongue  point:

I signed it then I noticed another 10 on a topic close to my heart and signed all of them as well.  cloud9:

Does number bloody ten REALLY take any notice though I wonder?
They will do as they please, and raise two fingers at us mere mortals, just like they have done for centuries. Gets. evil:

I haven't signed as I'm a bit dubious about our names all being gathered in a 'trouble making cranks' file for future early morning knocks on the door from men in black.

 noooo:  Too late for me I am already on it!   whistle:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Barman on September 27, 2007, 08:38:46 AM
Blue tongue  point:

I signed it then I noticed another 10 on a topic close to my heart and signed all of them as well.  cloud9:

Does number bloody ten REALLY take any notice though I wonder?
They will do as they please, and raise two fingers at us mere mortals, just like they have done for centuries. Gets. evil:

I haven't signed as I'm a bit dubious about our names all being gathered in a 'trouble making cranks' file for future early morning knocks on the door from men in black.

 noooo:  Too late for me I am already on it!   whistle:
Me too...  whistle:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 27, 2007, 08:45:33 AM
'trouble making cranks' file

I wouldn't say your were a trouble maker rubschin:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 27, 2007, 08:48:37 AM
'trouble making cranks' file

I wouldn't say your were a trouble maker rubschin:

WHO ffs?  confused:

You tryin' to wind me up this mornin'? ::)
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Nick on September 27, 2007, 08:50:33 AM
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: GROWLER on September 27, 2007, 08:52:08 AM

WHERE ffs?   eeek:
All clear here.
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Sour Puss on September 27, 2007, 03:56:55 PM
Just received this:

The e-petition asking the Prime Minister to "to Allow the Red Arrows to Fly at the 2012 Olympics" is ongoing. This is a response in advance of the closing date from the Government.

It is not true to suggest that the Government has banned the Red Arrows from celebrations to mark the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The organising committee of London 2012 will decide what to include in the celebrations - but with five years to go, decisions are yet to be made on what the celebrations will look like, although you can be assured that they will be a spectacular showcase of Britain's best.
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Grumpmeister on September 27, 2007, 04:46:27 PM
I think GM is a worried man today _ I was transmitting Nicko-rays all night.

Had a really relaxed day actually Nicky old boy, lovely blue sky outside my window and a really good day in the office. As my sig says Nick. Grumpy Mojo has been proven to be 100% Nick proof  point:
Title: Re: Red Arrows banned!
Post by: Barman on September 28, 2007, 04:41:29 AM
Just received this:

The e-petition asking the Prime Minister to "to Allow the Red Arrows to Fly at the 2012 Olympics" is ongoing. This is a response in advance of the closing date from the Government.

It is not true to suggest that the Government has banned the Red Arrows from celebrations to mark the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The organising committee of London 2012 will decide what to include in the celebrations - but with five years to go, decisions are yet to be made on what the celebrations will look like, although you can be assured that they will be a spectacular showcase of Britain's best.
I got that too...  ::)