The Virtual Pub
Come Inside... => Saloon Bar => Topic started by: Mr Happy on May 21, 2007, 10:03:22 PM
I don't want to be a newbie, don't fancy a wedgie or dishing out my dinner money to Mal er whoops Snoopy.
Do i have to keep posting to get my status up, it'll hurt you more than me. Can I bribe a mod to be classified as something else 'chief miserable bar steward' for example. Ohh have we got one of them, i might re-register. Sod it, any cleaning jobs going, i can speak Polish, tsssssssssss.
10 posts and your emoticons work. Meanwhile I think a potboy is needed. eeek:
10 posts and your emoticons work. Meanwhile I think a potboy is needed. eeek:
Are you calling me
(http://hxxp: futility. typepad. com/futility/images/pete_doherty. jpg)
Bloody hell can't i post a piccie either?
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
Yessir, sorrysir, finished your Baileys.
I aint working karioke night!
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
Yessir, sorrysir, finished your Baileys.
I aint working karioke night!
Very good. ;D
'Evening Mr Happy... it's gone wine o'clock and well past my bed time eyes:
Enjoy the facilities... everyboy else has lol:
'Evening Mr Happy... it's gone wine o'clock and well past my bed time eyes:
Enjoy the facilities... everyboy else has lol:
Cheers! 17 hours to beer o'clock, unfortunately 9 hours til Banghead
I don't want to be a newbie, don't fancy a wedgie or dishing out my dinner money to Mal er whoops Snoopy.
Do i have to keep posting to get my status up, it'll hurt you more than me. Can I bribe a mod to be classified as something else 'chief miserable bar steward' for example. Ohh have we got one of them, i might re-register. Sod it, any cleaning jobs going, i can speak Polish, tsssssssssss.
You remain a newbie ?til 50 posts ? until that time expect to have your head pushed down the toilet and flushed. point:
Mind you, looking at your head we should really have the plumber standing by for such occasions. rubschin:
I actually wanted to change the newbie thing but Bouncer wouldn?t let me. noooo:
sex014 Bouncer is more scarey than spider:
Why did you remove my standard no sexual whip? Angry9:
sex014 Bouncer is more scarey than spider:
Why did you remove my standard no sexual whip? Angry9:
This one? whip:
I can get in from work lol: lol: lol:
You have a PM
I can get in from work lol: lol: lol:
Yay! cloud9:
You have a PM
No I don't! noooo:
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
Yessir, sorrysir, finished your Baileys.
I aint working karioke night!
You are safe, karioke night has been stopped after last time. Berek and Nick did a duet and we ended up getting raided by the RSPCA. eveilgrin:
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
Yessir, sorrysir, finished your Baileys.
I aint working karioke night!
You are safe, karioke night has been stopped after last time. Berek and Nick did a duet and we ended up getting raided by the RSPCA. eveilgrin:
it was going quite well until he got his knob out
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
Yessir, sorrysir, finished your Baileys.
I aint working karioke night!
You are safe, karioke night has been stopped after last time. Berek and Nick did a duet and we ended up getting raided by the RSPCA. eveilgrin:
Which reminds me.
Did anyone explain to Mr Happy that the "Go Down" button doesn't work?
it was going quite well until he got his knob out
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
Yessir, sorrysir, finished your Baileys.
I aint working karioke night!
You are safe, karioke night has been stopped after last time. Berek and Nick did a duet and we ended up getting raided by the RSPCA. eveilgrin:
Which reminds me.
Did anyone explain to Mr Happy that the "Go Down" button doesn't work?
it was going quite well until he got his knob out
Or the quote button by the looks of things! point:
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
Yessir, sorrysir, finished your Baileys.
I aint working karioke night!
You are safe, karioke night has been stopped after last time. Berek and Nick did a duet and we ended up getting raided by the RSPCA. eveilgrin:
it was going quite well until he got his knob out
Why does the evening always have to end on a bum note with someone getting their knob out. Wouldn't it just be much nicer if we could all lock up and go home without anyone having shown a bodily part.
a bum note
Wrong side!
So that's where I have been going wrong! redface:
So that's where I have been going wrong! redface:
You know what they say Wench ....... If sex is a pain in the bum ~ you're doing something wrong
So that's where I have been going wrong! redface:
You know what they say Wench ....... If sex is a pain in the bum ~ you're doing something wrong
better grease up.. eyes:
I don't know about pictures ~ probably the magic 10 posts. Anyway collect the empties I think I heard time being called.
Yessir, sorrysir, finished your Baileys.
I aint working karioke night!
You are safe, karioke night has been stopped after last time. Berek and Nick did a duet and we ended up getting raided by the RSPCA. eveilgrin:
Which reminds me.
Did anyone explain to Mr Happy that the "Go Down" button doesn't work?
it was going quite well until he got his knob out
Or the quote button by the looks of things! point:
The small writing on this board is no joke with bi-focals you know. redface:
Maybe you need to up them to tri-focals?
I have some quadrifocals drumroll:
Waits for Berek to make cock waving accusation. I use them for looking up, down, left, right and forward. Special James Bond style tiny wing mirrors alert me to the approach of muggers when in Ellesmere Port.
There is quite a lot of cock waving in the desk thread too. Bouncer has three don't you know! ::)
My office only has two. One covered in heaps of paper and the other (looks round) also covered in heaps of paper and broken television cry:
Broken television?
SWMBO won't throw things away sad24:
We actually have three broken TVs in the house. eeek:
There is quite a lot of cock waving in the desk thread too. Bouncer has three don't you know! ::)
You know what I'm talking about! Waving about desk size, number of gadgets, number of printers. ::)
Apart from broken TVs I only need one of most things. I think. Not fingers obviously, or eyes. Oh forget it!
I can't think of anything I only need one of. eeek:
I can't think of anything I only need one of. eeek:
Well, besides you. I need you like a need a hole in the head. I could do with none of you! sad24:
You know what I'm talking about! Waving about desk size, number of gadgets, number of printers. ::)
Aw, cm'on, I was only sayin' eeek: And I never even mentioned all the boxes of cables out in the garage.
Or the Tank!
I can't think of anything I only need one of. eeek:
eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek:
Well, besides you. I need you like a need a hole in the head. I could do with none of you! sad24:
Well, besides you. I need you like a need a hole in the head. I could do with none of you! sad24:
sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24: sad24:
Oh dear, I seem to have upset everyone. point: Cry baby woosies!
First she calls me a geek, now she calls me a wuss.
Thats it.......SMITAGE whip:
Barman, whats that 2 smites in an hour trick old boy? eveilgrin:
Well I just smote both of you successfully drumroll:
First she calls me a geek, now she calls me a wuss.
Thats it.......SMITAGE whip:
Barman, whats that 2 smites in an hour trick old boy? eveilgrin:
Oh not a trick really - but I do know why it happens... whistle:
Thats for smiting me then Nick whistle:
Ok oh all knowing barkeep, why does it happen then? rubschin:
You deserved it! Go on look in your shirt pocket, there is a pen there isn't there! point:
Of course I dont have a pen in there, I use it for my PDA, dont need a pen noooo:
Ok oh all knowing barkeep, why does it happen then? rubschin:
Okay? you know you can only smite one person per hour? whistle:
Well, if somebody was on say zero and you smiteth them they go to -1 (obviously).
But if for some reason you then applaud them they don?t go back to zero ? oh no ? it takes off the smite you gave them within the last hour then adds on the applause so it jumps from -1 to +1
See? cloud9:
So it does, I've just bumped Nick up from 0 to 2. Does that little trick work in reverse as well by any chance eyes: