The Virtual Pub

Come Inside... => The Snug => Topic started by: Just One More on January 10, 2009, 07:16:53 PM

Title: Total Wipeout
Post by: Just One More on January 10, 2009, 07:16:53 PM
This is already becoming a guilty pleasure of mine. BBC1 Saturdays at 1730, it's sort of It's a Knockout with lots of mud and water but without the penguin suits etc. It involves the sort of loud, in-your-face contestants that you take great pleasure in seeing them falling, being half-drowned in mud and water, falling off beams, being hit by rotating beams and boxing gloves etc. It was on in the background at a mates house last weekend and I made a point of watching it tonight

Growler could diversify, this time next year he'll be a millionaire
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 07:22:36 AM
 ;D I like that!
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: GROWLER on January 11, 2009, 09:08:21 AM
Damn. Missed that last night. Good show. Is it repeated anytime?

Dunno about being a millionaire like, but things are defo pickin' up at Swamp 2, with plans nearly in place for a couple of new things for me to play around in the mud with, big kid that I really am attractions this year.
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 09:35:20 AM
Damn. Missed that last night. Good show. Is it repeated anytime?

Dunno about being a millionaire like, but things are defo pickin' up at Swamp 2, with plans nearly in place for a couple of new things for me to play around in the mud with, big kid that I really am attractions this year.
JCB Experience...?  whistle:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: GROWLER on January 11, 2009, 09:47:58 AM
Damn. Missed that last night. Good show. Is it repeated anytime?

Dunno about being a millionaire like, but things are defo pickin' up at Swamp 2, with plans nearly in place for a couple of new things for me to play around in the mud with, big kid that I really am attractions this year.
JCB Experience...?  whistle:

Yes, and possibly buggies and quad trekking too. Remote control off roading model rock crawlers, and possibly an air rifle range.
All of this of course depends on bloody PL insutrance quotes which I'm currently struggling through to obtain quotes for. Thieving gets. evil:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 09:53:51 AM
Damn. Missed that last night. Good show. Is it repeated anytime?

Dunno about being a millionaire like, but things are defo pickin' up at Swamp 2, with plans nearly in place for a couple of new things for me to play around in the mud with, big kid that I really am attractions this year.
JCB Experience...?  whistle:

Yes, and possibly buggies and quad trekking too. Remote control off roading model rock crawlers, and possibly an air rifle range.
All of this of course depends on bloody PL insutrance quotes which I'm currently struggling through to obtain quotes for. Thieving gets. evil:
Sounds great!

How about some clay shooting? Joe Public loves to fire a real gun and will pay £££££s for a couple of shots.  happy088
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Snoopy on January 11, 2009, 10:01:55 AM
This is already becoming a guilty pleasure of mine. BBC1 Saturdays at 1730, it's sort of It's a Knockout with lots of mud and water but without the penguin suits etc. It involves the sort of loud, in-your-face contestants that you take great pleasure in seeing them falling, being half-drowned in mud and water, falling off beams, being hit by rotating beams and boxing gloves etc. It was on in the background at a mates house last weekend and I made a point of watching it tonight

Growler could diversify, this time next year he'll be a millionaire

My two boys love it ~ but then they are 10 and 8 years old. THW likes it because it has Richard Hammond in it. I like it because it keeps the children occupied whilst I read a book. Wife has only seen three minutes of it and said "What is this shite?" to which I replied "Dunno but they are quiet"
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: grumpyoldsoldier on January 11, 2009, 12:42:04 PM
Damn. Missed that last night. Good show. Is it repeated anytime?

Dunno about being a millionaire like, but things are defo pickin' up at Swamp 2, with plans nearly in place for a couple of new things for me to play around in the mud with, big kid that I really am attractions this year.
JCB Experience...?  whistle:

Yes, and possibly buggies and quad trekking too. Remote control off roading model rock crawlers, and possibly an air rifle range.
All of this of course depends on bloody PL insutrance quotes which I'm currently struggling through to obtain quotes for. Thieving gets. evil:
Sounds great!

How about some clay shooting? Joe Public loves to fire a real gun and will pay £££££s for a couple of shots.  happy088
Guns!!!!! cloud9: cloud9: cloud9: I handed in all my pistols to the local cop shop many many years ago....A young fresh faced bobby was quite overwhelmed  with it all and wanted to know if the .357 mag came with wheels, a lovely lovely gun, 6" barrel, target sights and Pachmeir grips, bloody useless against rabbits though, one shot and  bugger all left for the cook pot.
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: GROWLER on January 11, 2009, 02:22:06 PM
Damn. Missed that last night. Good show. Is it repeated anytime?

Dunno about being a millionaire like, but things are defo pickin' up at Swamp 2, with plans nearly in place for a couple of new things for me to play around in the mud with, big kid that I really am attractions this year.
JCB Experience...?  whistle:

Yes, and possibly buggies and quad trekking too. Remote control off roading model rock crawlers, and possibly an air rifle range.
All of this of course depends on bloody PL insutrance quotes which I'm currently struggling through to obtain quotes for. Thieving gets. evil:
Sounds great!

How about some clay shooting? Joe Public loves to fire a real gun and will pay £££££s for a couple of shots.  happy088

It has been discussed, but with me knowing precious little anout REAL guns like, I'm really not interested tbh. Too much to go very badly wrong in the hands of a novice.

The landowner is though, only there lies another problem....noise to upset the neighbours. ::)
It's up to him, and apparently he has already got the whizzy clay pigeon chucking out machiney type contraption thingy whotsit.

Great fun, and I have done it meself like with reasonable success, but not summat I'd like to be in charge of. noooo:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 02:25:45 PM
Damn. Missed that last night. Good show. Is it repeated anytime?

Dunno about being a millionaire like, but things are defo pickin' up at Swamp 2, with plans nearly in place for a couple of new things for me to play around in the mud with, big kid that I really am attractions this year.
JCB Experience...?  whistle:

Yes, and possibly buggies and quad trekking too. Remote control off roading model rock crawlers, and possibly an air rifle range.
All of this of course depends on bloody PL insutrance quotes which I'm currently struggling through to obtain quotes for. Thieving gets. evil:
Sounds great!

How about some clay shooting? Joe Public loves to fire a real gun and will pay £££££s for a couple of shots.  happy088

It has been discussed, but with me knowing precious little anout REAL guns like, I'm really not interested tbh. Too much to go very badly wrong in the hands of a novice.

The landowner is though, only there lies another problem....noise to upset the neighbours. ::)
It's up to him, and apparently he has already got the whizzy clay pigeon chucking out machiney type contraption thingy whotsit.
That'll be a 'trap' then...  whistle:

Yes, you'd need to know a bit about shooting and they need 100% supervision obviously... the nice thing about 'teaching' people like this you can quite easily send the cocky 'know it all' types home with a fucking great bruise on their shoulders!  lol: lol: lol:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: GROWLER on January 11, 2009, 02:32:23 PM
Trap, yes. That's the one.
Stoopid name for a whizzy out clay pigeon shooty out machine thingy wotnot if you ask me. ::)

Bein' a farmer like, he's got access to several guns and is quite keen, but he can sort out his own PL insurance on that one.
Wonder if you can put a silencer on a double barrel shotgun like? rubschin:

Meanwhile, my latest cuzzy this morning had a whale of a time, and became very interested when I mentioned the future development project. Ebven I'm quite excited tbh, especially the JCB mini digger thing. I'll get meself on a course first though.

Can't believe I'm getting paid for having so much fun. Call this werk? noooo: lol:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 03:02:51 PM
Trap, yes. That's the one.
Stoopid name for a whizzy out clay pigeon shooty out machine thingy wotnot if you ask me. ::)

Bein' a farmer like, he's got access to several guns and is quite keen, but he can sort out his own PL insurance on that one.
Wonder if you can put a silencer on a double barrel shotgun like? rubschin:

Meanwhile, my latest cuzzy this morning had a whale of a time, and became very interested when I mentioned the future development project. Ebven I'm quite excited tbh, especially the JCB mini digger thing. I'll get meself on a course first though.

Can't believe I'm getting paid for having so much fun. Call this werk? noooo: lol:

Yes, and if you use sub-sonic ammunition the gun is almost silent like... However, it won't have the same appeal to punters and certainly won't be such a good crowd puller-inner like...  noooo:

You'll need a 'safety distance' of 275 meters in EVERY direction in which shots can be fired from each firing point to meet CPSA (Clay Pigeon Shooting Association) guidelines tho...
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: GROWLER on January 11, 2009, 03:13:48 PM
Mini moose found a piece of lead shot in her Goose she was 'avin' for dinner while we in the Lake District in November. eeek:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 03:15:46 PM
Mini moose found a piece of lead shot in her Goose she was 'avin' for dinner while we in the Lake District in November. eeek:
Well...? did she think it had died of old age or what...?  Shrugs:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: GROWLER on January 11, 2009, 03:24:27 PM
Mini moose found a piece of lead shot in her Goose she was 'avin' for dinner while we in the Lake District in November. eeek:
Well...? did she think it had died of old age or what...?  Shrugs:

Who knows, but even I was a bit suprised to see it like. Dunno why. Thought p'raps they cleaned em all out first like, dunno? confused:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Snoopy on January 11, 2009, 04:04:11 PM
You can't always find them all. Usually the first I know of the shot in the bird is when I hear it "Ping" as it hits the pan the following morning. (That may be a little too much information for some) whistle:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 04:11:38 PM
You can't always find them all. Usually the first I know of the shot in the bird is when I hear it "Ping" as it hits the pan the following morning. (That may be a little too much information for some) whistle:
lol: lol: lol:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Just One More on January 11, 2009, 04:27:56 PM
We are about to have a contractor in clearing the embankments of rabbits and they are going to use ferrets (we use to use cyanide). Health and safety (here we go)  heard about it and asked a question via e-mail last week, and I quote, "Can you tell me where you will be releasing the rabbits because we don't want maurading rabbits running about the motorway". I nearly fell off my bloody chair laughing and replied that they will become part of the food-chain elsewhere
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Snoopy on January 11, 2009, 05:10:28 PM
I expect the same people think that the beef they eat for Sunday lunch comes from Tesco and are incapable of connecting the joint with a cow. noooo:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: GROWLER on January 11, 2009, 05:20:36 PM
I expect the same people think that the beef they eat for Sunday lunch comes from Tesco and are incapable of connecting the joint with a cow. noooo:

Being a bit of an animal lover meself like, THAT is exactly how I like to see it when I'm buying the Sunday roast tbh.
If I stood around looking and thinking for too long about exactly where and what etc., I'd be a veggie. sick2:
Had all this heated discussion with Mrs Growler just before Crimbo when she ordered the farm turkey, and I reminded her that it was actually currently running around without a care in the werld, problee thinking how good it was to be alive like.
But just two days later.... sad32:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 05:22:29 PM
I expect the same people think that the beef they eat for Sunday lunch comes from Tesco and are incapable of connecting the joint with a cow. noooo:

Being a bit of an animal lover meself like, THAT is exactly how I like to see it when I'm buying the Sunday roast tbh.
If I stood around looking and thinking for too long about exactly where and what etc., I'd be a veggie. sick2:
Had all this heated discussion with Mrs Growler just before Crimbo when she ordered the farm turkey, and I reminded her that it was actually currently running around without a care in the werld, problee thinking how good it was to be alive like.
But just two days later.... sad32:
You don't know that... it might have been well pissed off, hated the food, had no friends... longing for death like...  noooo:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: GROWLER on January 11, 2009, 05:41:49 PM
I expect the same people think that the beef they eat for Sunday lunch comes from Tesco and are incapable of connecting the joint with a cow. noooo:

Being a bit of an animal lover meself like, THAT is exactly how I like to see it when I'm buying the Sunday roast tbh.
If I stood around looking and thinking for too long about exactly where and what etc., I'd be a veggie. sick2:
Had all this heated discussion with Mrs Growler just before Crimbo when she ordered the farm turkey, and I reminded her that it was actually currently running around without a care in the werld, problee thinking how good it was to be alive like.
But just two days later.... sad32:
You don't know that... it might have been well pissed off, hated the food, had no friends... longing for death like...  noooo:

Too late now. It'll be in the sewer somewhere. sad32:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 06:57:03 PM
I expect the same people think that the beef they eat for Sunday lunch comes from Tesco and are incapable of connecting the joint with a cow. noooo:

Being a bit of an animal lover meself like, THAT is exactly how I like to see it when I'm buying the Sunday roast tbh.
If I stood around looking and thinking for too long about exactly where and what etc., I'd be a veggie. sick2:
Had all this heated discussion with Mrs Growler just before Crimbo when she ordered the farm turkey, and I reminded her that it was actually currently running around without a care in the werld, problee thinking how good it was to be alive like.
But just two days later.... sad32:
You don't know that... it might have been well pissed off, hated the food, had no friends... longing for death like...  noooo:

Too late now. It'll be in the sewer somewhere. sad32:
Ah... turkey heaven...  ;D
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Snoopy on January 11, 2009, 07:03:13 PM
When we had a pub we did lunches and coming up to Christmas a group of wimmin from  local bank booked themselves a table for Christmas Lunch. Three of the 10 were vegetarians the girl who booked warned us and we made provision for suitable festive vegetarian fare but the others were happy with the normal menu ~ a choice of Turkey or Haunch of Venison ~ until one of them asked me "exactly what is 'haunch of venison?" and I replied "Bambi's spotty bits" whereupon two of them burst into tears.  ::) Wimmin!
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 07:05:08 PM
When we had a pub we did lunches and coming up to Christmas a group of wimmin from  local bank booked themselves a table for Christmas Lunch. Three of the 10 were vegetarians the girl who booked warned us and we made provision for suitable festive vegetarian fare but the others were happy with the normal menu ~ a choice of Turkey or Haunch of Venison ~ until one of them asked me "exactly what is 'haunch of venison?" and I replied "Bambi's spotty bits" whereupon two of them burst into tears.  ::) Wimmin!
lol: lol: lol:

I bet you were a fantastic landlord Snoops!  worthy:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Snoopy on January 11, 2009, 07:07:33 PM
I had a certain reputation whistle:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 07:08:52 PM
I had a certain reputation whistle:
I'm surprised the veggies turned up!  lol:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Miss Demeanour on January 11, 2009, 07:14:14 PM
I'm surprised he gave them a choice and catered for any minority need - very impressed  eeek:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: grumpyoldsoldier on January 11, 2009, 07:49:12 PM
When we had a pub we did lunches and coming up to Christmas a group of wimmin from  local bank booked themselves a table for Christmas Lunch. Three of the 10 were vegetarians the girl who booked warned us and we made provision for suitable festive vegetarian fare but the others were happy with the normal menu ~ a choice of Turkey or Haunch of Venison ~ until one of them asked me "exactly what is 'haunch of venison?" and I replied "Bambi's spotty bits" whereupon two of them burst into tears.  ::) Wimmin!
..'kin Outstanding Snoops, You will do for me mate! drumroll:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Snoopy on January 11, 2009, 07:57:39 PM
I didn't mean to upset anyone ~ I thought "Bambi's spotty bits" sounded better than "A lump of a deer's arse". FFS the pub was in the New Forest ~ deer abounded ('specially if you knew a gamekeeper or two)
Anyway they all calmed down with a complimentary bottle of house wine ~ a small sacrifice on my part that cost all of £2.50 (to me) when set against their bill which came in at around £120.
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 11, 2009, 08:04:55 PM
I'm surprised he gave them a choice and catered for any minority need - very impressed  eeek:
Indeed... Knowing Snoops the veggie option had meat in it anyway...  whistle:
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Snoopy on January 12, 2009, 08:29:03 AM
I'm surprised he gave them a choice and catered for any minority need - very impressed  eeek:
Indeed... Knowing Snoops the veggie option had meat in it anyway...  whistle:

 rubschin: Well ~ the roast spuds were certainly cooked in goose fat.
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Barman on January 12, 2009, 08:31:32 AM
I'm surprised he gave them a choice and catered for any minority need - very impressed  eeek:
Indeed... Knowing Snoops the veggie option had meat in it anyway...  whistle:

 rubschin: Well ~ the roast spuds were certainly cooked in goose fat.
lol: lol: lol: Excellent!
Title: Re: Total Wipeout
Post by: Pastis on January 13, 2009, 06:27:16 PM
Apologies for going back to the OP  ;), but Growler, you might want to keep an eye on JCB. I heard on the news they have quite a lot of stock they can't shift  whistle: