The Virtual Pub
Come Inside... => The Computer Room => Topic started by: Snoopy on August 17, 2009, 10:42:20 AM
Can anyone explain what the F*** this is all about?
I have had a peek (just to see what the THW was going on about) and it appears meaningless or perhaps I mean pointless.
Anyway I seek enlightenment.
Any offers?
It baffles me and seems pointlessness incarnate
rubschin: Sooooooooooo It's not just me then ~ where are the younger ones?
Prolly still in bed noooo:
rubschin: Sooooooooooo It's not just me then ~ where are the younger ones?
I'm here! ;)
If I get bored enough to start twittering please feel free to take me out into the car park and shoot me.
I've had a look too totally baffled by the whole thing, however following comments recently made about me by my teenage daughters I may well set a site along the same lines for the over 40s, watch this space for....Witter.
Sort of in-depth, shallow discussions on Complan, Zimmer frames, incontinence pads and what we went up stairs for, you may follow one and other but only if you are lost and have forgotten your name. Sentences should be long and rambling giving the world and his brother an insight into you thoughts and life. They need not be a true indication of anything pertaining to your good selves as none of us will be any the wiser!
Further suggestions please...
It's just a way of letting those you choose know all about what is going on in your life minute detail....
Wouldn't think anyone here would be interested in such things whistle:
I signed up with Facebook recently. redface:
Several of us are on there whistle:
I shall look you up when I get home. (banned at work)
Find one and then you'll find the rest of us redface:
Like sausages
I have not compared myself to a sausage for mmmm let me think rubschin:
noooo: noooo: noooo:
Ever Shrugs:
Do I want to be another sausage? rubschin:
FFS ~ I hadn't even considered Facebook mainly because too many corporations seem to have got involved in buying and selling it and that makes me very wary that (i) "They" will be looking to make money out of it (Tho' ITV don't seem to have made any but then they can't make money out of anything these days) and (ii) The more times it changes hands the more people have access to the bits the "members" don't get to see.
Besides ~ there are people out there that I don't really want to ever meet again and I'm willing to bet they are all on it.
I'm on Facebook as well.
I shall try to find you all. I need friends. noooo:
FFS ~ I hadn't even considered Facebook mainly because too many corporations seem to have got involved in buying and selling it and that makes me very wary that (i) "They" will be looking to make money out of it (Tho' ITV don't seem to have made any but then they can't make money out of anything these days) and (ii) The more times it changes hands the more people have access to the bits the "members" don't get to see.
Besides ~ there are people out there that I don't really want to ever meet again and I'm willing to bet they are all on it.
I can't see how "They" can make much out of what I put on there. Even the e-mail address I use is one of my spares.
As to people you don't want to meet ~ you're not forced to be anybody's friend.
TG. happy100
If they have your name and address they have the beginnings of a data file on you.
I'm on Facebook as well.
I shall try to find you all. I need friends. noooo:
You'll need real names first sweety lol:
I'm on Facebook as well.
I shall try to find you all. I need friends. noooo:
You'll need real names first sweety lol:
I have a friend! cloud9:
Mrs TG?
Mrs TG?
Unlikely noooo:
Do I want to be another sausage? rubschin:
What sausage were you previously confused2:
Do I want to be another sausage? rubschin:
What sausage were you previously confused2:
I take everything at face value whistle:
Do I want to be another sausage? rubschin:
What sausage were you previously confused2:
I thought twitter/tweet was wot you did at Halloween like... noooo:
If they have your name and address they have the beginnings of a data file on you.
I just put name, no DOB etc.
It's probably easier to track people on FriendsReunited.
There again if you want real info try, they seem to sell just about everything about people, including latest census, you, your neighbours etc. They are scary.
I thought twitter/tweet was wot you did at Halloween like... noooo:
Groan lol:
Twitter tweets are 40% pointless babble allegedly.
I'm surprised eeek:. I thought it would be at least double that ~ much like my meandering witterings on here angel1
Proof, if proof were needed, that my brilliant money making, all new and spectacular idea will make me a millionaire by this time next year then. whistle:
Without the sex change obviously. noooo:
So, with Witter do we Weet? or perhaps bleat?
In fact Bitter and Bleating might have legs... whistle:
With Witter wouldn't we w
hine rubschin:
Agreed. lol:
I'm warming to social networking gadgetry with the outlook of The Oldie whistle:
Hot milk on Weet-abix, anyone?
Sounds grand lol:
Makes it nice and mushy and easier to digest whistle:
I bought some Horlicks today redface:
It just seemed necessary redface:
I like Horlicks. Reminds me of swimming lessons aged 5 and three quarters, chlorine up the nose, shivering in a small towel and the treat of a warm drink afterwards. Think Mancunian municipal baths. confused:
I imagine in some quarters Horlicks may be a food of wrongness noooo:
It's a hot drink - I don't like hot drinks noooo: but I wouldn't classify them as a food of wrongness . I am reasonable if nothing else whistle:
What is wrong with hot drinks?
They are hot doh:
But without being facetious for a change I know when I stopped drinking them and it is related to an 'incident'. Since then my brain has decided I don't like them .
Soup however is fine rubschin:
I like Horlicks. Reminds me of swimming lessons aged 5 and three quarters, chlorine up the nose, shivering in a small towel and the treat of a warm drink afterwards. Think Mancunian municipal baths. confused:
That was always hot chocolate, I use the term loosely, from a machine, but Horlicks...ummm cloud9:
You had a hot drink incident?
I did ...and it involved a scene that was a cross between One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Exorcist .
If only I was kidding cry: cry: cry:
redface: redface: redface:
You will only laugh at my shame noooo:
We all have incidents; I have one involving roll-mops redface:
See - it is a common phenomena 8)
Roll-mops being doubly scary for you MissD.... on account of the herring 'n' all scared2:
I had one with some spiced lamb's intestines, and there was one with the thrush stew, but they are specialised. Likewise the raw squid experience and the moped (Greece). But hot drinks (not including soup) whacky115
See - it is a common phenomena 8)
As Snoopy is curled up in his basket with his nose under his tail, permit me.
Some phenomena, a phenomenon.
I was letting it pass, but you are right. I blame the comprehensive system noooo:
I hear it misused by fooking gummant ministers these days. ON RADIO 4! eeek:
I was letting it pass, but you are right. I blame the comprehensive system noooo:
I hear it misused by fooking gummant ministers these days. ON RADIO 4! eeek:
Indeed. noooo:
Roll-mops being doubly scary for you MissD.... on account of the herring 'n' all scared2:
Xactly scared2:
Vile , putrid , hurl inducing things noooo:
I hope you have learnt your lesson whistle:
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
See - it is a common phenomena 8)
As Snoopy is curled up in his basket with his nose under his tail, permit me.
Some phenomena, a phenomenon.
Consider me reprimanded yet again sad24:
See - it is a common phenomena 8)
As Snoopy is curled up in his basket with his nose under his tail, permit me.
Some phenomena, a phenomenon.
Consider me reprimanded yet again sad24:
happy100 Fear not, you could get a job with the Beeb.
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
I feel inclined to Tweet Fi Glover on Saturday Live about the very subject.
My purpose on this planet is to make people feel better about themselves noooo:
Not going too well, is it?
My purpose on this planet is to make people feel better about themselves noooo:
How terribly futile you must feel in here. noooo:
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
I feel inclined to Tweet Fi Glover on Saturday Live about the very subject.
Fi Glover cloud9:
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
I feel inclined to Tweet Fi Glover on Saturday Live about the very subject.
Fi Glover cloud9:
Rug muncher for sure.
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
I feel inclined to Tweet Fi Glover on Saturday Live about the very subject.
Fi Glover cloud9:
That's why I thought I'd Tweet her eyes:
Not tweak I hope whistle:
Oh dear, she hasn't aged well noooo:
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
I feel inclined to Tweet Fi Glover on Saturday Live about the very subject.
Fi Glover cloud9:
Rug muncher for sure.
Better than Poking her on Facebook DS .... 8)
Her chin has gone wrong
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
I feel inclined to Tweet Fi Glover on Saturday Live about the very subject.
Fi Glover cloud9:
Rug muncher for sure.
Better than Poking her on Facebook DS .... 8)
I hope that is some young persons technical term?
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
I feel inclined to Tweet Fi Glover on Saturday Live about the very subject.
Fi Glover cloud9:
Rug muncher for sure.
Better than Poking her on Facebook DS .... 8)
I hope that is some young persons technical term?
According to my young nephews it's a kind of virtual prod... a bit like your cattle prod but without the voltage apparently whistle:
It's a virtual high 5
Pastis is down with the youff 8)
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
I feel inclined to Tweet Fi Glover on Saturday Live about the very subject.
Fi Glover cloud9:
Rug muncher for sure.
Better than Poking her on Facebook DS .... 8)
I hope that is some young persons technical term?
According to my young nephews it's a kind of virtual prod... a bit like your cattle prod but without the voltage apparently whistle:
That's a pity, but I get the idea.
It's a virtual high 5
Pastis is down with the youff 8)
It's a virtual high 5
Pastis is down with the youff 8)
eeek: I beg your pardon!
I will now go on Facebook and poke someone eveilgrin:
One of the newbies whistle:
I think it was TG... bom
I think it was TG... bom
Dont fink so. Mind you I have never truly got to grips with facebook so I may have been poked and not noticed like. eeek:
I think it was TG... bom
Dont fink so. Mind you I have never truly got to grips with facebook so I may have been poked and not noticed like. eeek:
scared2: Who've I poked? Or should that be whom have I poken? 8)
Just checked; deffo you 8)
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
But, but but I like rollmops. angry041:
My incident involved a orifice and a kidney bean. redface:
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
But, but but I like rollmops. angry041:
My incident involved a orifice and a kidney bean. redface:
Inbound or outbound?
I think it was TG... bom
Dont fink so. Mind you I have never truly got to grips with facebook so I may have been poked and not noticed like. eeek:
scared2: Who've I poked? Or should that be whom have I poken? 8)
Just checked; deffo you 8)
It seems I have poke notifications turned off. I have now turned them on so if I get poked again my eyes shall water. eyes:
Do you bruise easily ...they can be a bit brutal these lot whistle:
This thread seemed to have wandered a bit rubschin:
Don't they all rubschin:
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
But, but but I like rollmops. angry041:
My incident involved a orifice and a kidney bean. redface:
Inbound or outbound?
Outbound. noooo:
This thread is getting very mixed up. Anyhoo, we should write to radio 4 and ban rollmops
But, but but I like rollmops. angry041:
My incident involved a orifice and a kidney bean. redface:
Inbound or outbound?
Outbound. noooo:
Nasty. eeek:
Indeed it was, but it involved my nose so I suppose it could have been worse. redface:
Much worse eeek:
but more interesting rubschin:
And harder to explain
to the A&E department.
Indeed, luckily there was no trip to A and E and a pair of tweezers sorted the problem.
Just as a warning, never, ever laugh out loud when you have a mouth full of chili. The aftermath is not becoming. redface:
Indeed, luckily there was no trip to A and E and a pair of tweezers sorted the problem.
Just as a warning, never, ever laugh out loud when you have a mouth full of chili. The aftermath is not becoming. redface:
You broke it! point:
Hold on tho... wrong thread... redface:
Indeed, luckily there was no trip to A and E and a pair of tweezers sorted the problem.
Just as a warning, never, ever laugh out loud when you have a mouth full of chili. The aftermath is not becoming. redface:
You broke it! point:
Hold on tho... wrong thread... redface:
You been sniffing LL's hairspray again?
Prolly suffering from goatstroke. eeek:
Prolly suffering from goatstroke. eeek:
I most certainly am not!
rubschin: No denial on the sniffing hairspray I notice
Well, he wouldn't would he, I do believe there is photographic evidence in Miss Ds holiday snaps. noooo:
He said it was because it was windy by the cliffs rubschin:
rubschin: No denial on the sniffing hairspray I notice
He's been listening to Stavros down the market again. BM sniffing LL's hair spray wont make yours grow back whistle:
Prolly to keep the comb over in place whistle:
Combing over from where? His back? eeek:
So did we come to the conclusion that no one here twitters? redface:
All - Bar - One ;)
You be proud of the fact that you are the only one here who can program the video or operate your blackcurrant phone.
Quite so!
You should spend less time twittering and more time on your adminsteratively duties here! evil:
But I can twitter from my phone using an ap!!! We don't have an ap!
Which is no excuse I know redface:
But I can twitter from my phone using an ap!!! We don't have an ap!
Which is no excuse I know redface:
I'll stick with a nap... sleep021
So did we come to the conclusion that no one here twitters? redface:
I wouldnt really call it twittering per se but I use the direct messaging function to keep in touch with a couple of friends who spend more time using twitter than their email accounts.
We don't have an ap!
You can have this one.
We don't have an ap!
You can have this one.
LL! eeek:
We don't have an ap!
You can have this one.
LL! eeek:
You mean ONLY the legs are shaved. My misunderstanding.
- ( razz:
Shall we tell Sabrina? eveilgrin:
I fear people formed a queue to do so razz:
The tweeting grandad's becoming quite popular lol:
The wisdom of age ? twittering grandfather's best tweets:
"Your brother brought his baby over this morning. He told me it could stand. It couldn't stand for s---. Just sat there. Big let down."
"Why would i want to check a voicemail on my cell phone? People want to talk to me, call again. If i want to talk to you, I'll answer."
"I didn't live to be 73 years old so I could eat kale. Don't fix me your breakfast and pretend you're fixing mine."
"Your mother made a batch of meatballs last night. Some are for you, some are for me, but more are for me. Remember that. More. Me."
We don't have an ap!
You can have this one.
LL! eeek:
You mean ONLY the legs are shaved. My misunderstanding.
that's a gibraltar ape that is!
And there was me thinking it was a member of the RAF Regiment ::)
* For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Indeed happy088
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
Nope Let's try this knob
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
Nope Let's try this knob
Nope ~ even Nick's hastily removed attempt failed.
Methinks we must try another route.
Nope ~ even Nick's hastily removed attempt failed.
Methinks we must try another route.
Any better?
Nope ~ even Nick's hastily removed attempt failed.
Methinks we must try another route.
Any better?
Ahhh I knew a swig of ale would help.
Nope ~ even Nick's hastily removed attempt failed.
Methinks we must try another route.
Any better?
Ahhh I knew a swig of ale would help.
It's not just hitting it you know ~ it's knowing where to hit it cloud9:
Nope ~ even Nick's hastily removed attempt failed.
Methinks we must try another route.
Any better?
Ahhh I knew a swig of ale would help.
It's not just hitting it you know ~ it's knowing where to hit it cloud9:
testing, testing
Nope ~ even Nick's hastily removed attempt failed.
Methinks we must try another route.
Any better?
Ahhh I knew a swig of ale would help.
It's not just hitting it you know ~ it's knowing where to hit it cloud9:
A line that might well have been spoken by the lad himself ~ Tony Hancock. whistle:
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
Nope Let's try this knob
It werks for me whistle:
Nope ~ even Nick's hastily removed attempt failed.
Methinks we must try another route.
Any better?
Ahhh I knew a swig of ale would help.
It's not just hitting it you know ~ it's knowing where to hit it cloud9:
testing, testing
As could that.
Hello Tokyo ...... H O W - I S - THE - W e a t h e r - w i t h - y o u?
Nope ~ even Nick's hastily removed attempt failed.
Methinks we must try another route.
Any better?
Ahhh I knew a swig of ale would help.
It's not just hitting it you know ~ it's knowing where to hit it cloud9:
testing, testing
As could that.
Hello Tokyo ...... H O W - I S - THE - W e a t h e r - w i t h - y o u?
Stone me! Nick's at it again. ::)
OK I confess ~ I am reading a new biog of Hancock.
I have also got a MP3 CD of 99 of his shows from the good old steam radio days. I ration myself to one a day.
Have those tits been at your Gold top again? ;)
Indeed ~ Beaks like 'ammer drills they 'ave I can tell you. lol:
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
Nope Let's try this knob
I fixed it! happy088
I'd already fixed it ~ see post #131 evil:
I'd already fixed it ~ see post #131 evil:
No, you started another - I fixed the original... ::)
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
Nope Let's try this knob
I fixed it! happy088
Doesn't look any different to me razz:
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
Nope Let's try this knob
I fixed it! happy088
Doesn't look any different to me razz:
Of course...
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
Nope Let's try this knob
I fixed it! happy088
Doesn't look any different to me razz:
Of course...
For those who don't know the RAF Regiment are known as the Rock Apes.
That'll be most of us then.
Hence my considerate footnote.
Those who knew would see the joke. Those that didn't could at least have the benefit of improving their education.
All in all a commendable post even if I do say so myself. angel1
Hello the quote function seems to be playing up again lets see if I can't mend it.
Maybe that lever will do it.
Nope Let's try this knob
I fixed it! happy088
Doesn't look any different to me razz:
Of course...
Gubbed. .
- return this thread, albeit momentarily, to the original topic - I twitter and poke. Sometimes simultaneously.
Just saying.... ;D
On topic eh...? rubschin:
That is just wrong
That is just wrong
Certainly unusual... Shrugs:
Hang on, 'on topic' or twitterin' and pokin' ?
Hang on, 'on topic' or twitterin' and pokin' ?
All three then happy088
Hang on, 'on topic' or twitterin' and pokin' ?
Can't manage any of those noooo:
Hang on, 'on topic' or twitterin' and pokin' ?
Can't manage any of those noooo:
How about we renamed it The Compewter Room? A few tankard hooks above the servery... BM might even run to a special engraving?
Hang on, 'on topic' or twitterin' and pokin' ?
Can't manage any of those noooo:
How about we renamed it The Compewter Room? A few tankard hooks above the servery... BM might even run to a special engraving?
When I referred to 'any of those', I also meant the 'hang on' part. noooo: