The Virtual Pub
Come Inside... => The Computer Room => Topic started by: The Moan Ranger on September 16, 2009, 09:48:32 AM
For about a month now, my PC has been telling me that my ink has run out. Well, funnily enough, it's still printing fine.
I may go and buy new ones, however, as a new off from Young's has just appeared offering a free pint per voucher. The small print does not give limits as to how many vouchers an individual can redeem - it only says "one pint (or Gin & Tonic) per person per voucher.
If I print off, say, 100, I can get nicely hammered for a few days and pay for new ink cartridges out of the savings.
Simples 8)
My HP laser has been telling me to replace the toner sine before Xmas - still just about going.
Not sure how many vouchers I will be able to print though.
After a swift 8 pints and 2 G&T's, I went home. Total cost = ?0 (apart from 4 sheets of A4 and the residual cartridge ink).
This offer lasts until 4th October - I wonder how long we will be able to get away with the freebies! cloud9:
The entire public bar was hanging drunk by the time I left and only a few poor sods had to hand over cash. God, I love the idiots in Young's Marketing department.
Heads will roll razz:
I am somewhat cloudy this morning...
This is a cock up reminisicent of the Hoover free flights fiasco some years ago
This is a cock up reminisicent of the Hoover free flights fiasco some years ago
Indeed. And only 1 hour and 25 minutes until the pub opens again...I have printed 20 more vouchers...
I can't believe that they keep doing this. Still, make hay while the sun shines, hope the toner lasts out.
I have also got vouchers from the Crown & Anchor in Chichester.
I have given out several vouchers to the pub pensioners. Seems to have cheered them up!
I have given out several vouchers to the pub pensioners. Seems to have cheered them up!
I hope there's going to be some beer left for me. cry:
And the vouchers are atill taken. Now I must sleep. This is like fantasy island.
And the vouchers are atill taken. Now I must sleep. This is like fantasy island.
I couldn't stand the little guy (see also Paul Daniels and Jimmy Krankie)
And the vouchers are atill taken. Now I must sleep. This is like fantasy island.
I couldn't stand the little guy (see also Paul Daniels and Jimmy Krankie)
I think he was even sub-Krankie.
Looks like he had an awful life.
And the vouchers are atill taken. Now I must sleep. This is like fantasy island.
I couldn't stand the little guy (see also Paul Daniels and Jimmy Krankie)
Good grief, I saw that years ago, never did quite work out what it was about, prolly just and excuse for prime time tits and bums. noooo:
. . . just an excuse for prime time tits and bums.
Not to mention the women.
Shock, horror.
Off for lunch with my dad - will have to PAY for beer! evil:
Heaven in print.
( (
Shock, horror.
Off for lunch with my dad - will have to PAY for beer! evil:
Have you run out of toner?
Not a Youngs pub, not my local.
This is now getting silly. The entire pub is full of pissed people who have spent NOTHING. This promotion is meant to carry on until 4th October. Can this really last that long?
I shall print 100 vouchers tonight - and even then it might not be enough.
Utter, utter madness.
And the madness continues.
Estimated savings to date ?150. Corking.
We've been rumbled. Boo!
We've been rumbled. Boo!
Have they run out of cask ale and Bombay Sapphire gin until after October the 4th whistle:
Nope - they have plenty. It appears that the area manager has the hump because 297 vouchers with my name on them have gone over the bar in 5 days...
Oh no ....barred from the bar eeek:
Nope - they have plenty. It appears that the area manager has the hump because 297 vouchers with my name on them have gone over the bar in 5 days...
And what do the roolz say...? rubschin:
we need some rules deciphered 8)
The rules simply say one drink per voucher, avalailable all day, every day until 4th October.
Ah well, it was good while it lasted!
we need some rules deciphered 8)
He is down the pub handing over vouchers he printed today... whistle:
Area Manager has nothing better to do than check the names on the vouchers. Sack the b@st@rd! cussing:
Area Manager has nothing better to do than check the names on the vouchers. Sack the b@st@rd! cussing:
They will as soon as he comes out of surgery.
The rules simply say one drink per voucher, avalailable all day, every day until 4th October.
Ah well, it was good while it lasted!
Misprint ~ all vouchers void ;)
After a recount, it was actually 303 vouchers. Fine effort, I think.
After a recount, it was actually 303 vouchers. Fine effort, I think.
Well done lad, a blow against idiots.
I am sure your liver will also applaud. ;)
Excellent! lol:
We are all proud of you! happ096
What vouchers do we accept here rubschin:
What vouchers do we accept here rubschin:
Have you been easing in a quantitive way young man ;D
Have you been easing in a quantitive way young man ;D
lol: lol: lol:
In this world one thing counts
In the bank ?arge amounts
I reckon that between us, we must have saved about ?2,000. All this money will doubtlessly go into the local economy so in a way we have helped to kickstart a bit more cash in the tills.
So if all breweries did this, the recession will be over in no time rubschin: Smart thinking TMR happy088
So if all breweries did this, the recession will be over in no time rubschin: Smart thinking TMR happy088
Indeed. Better than Vince Cables half-baked ideas ;D
Indeed... you could help out a needy 'Donate' button with your winnings... whistle:
This is also a much better option for the care in the community campaign and also for those of us with no incomes.
I found it very stimulating.