The Virtual Pub
Come Inside... => The Computer Room => Topic started by: Miss Demeanour on September 22, 2009, 07:21:02 AM
Ok techno geeks and computer pervs can you please help me understand noooo:
Nothing too technical - I am after all a gerl lol: but simple things
Like why , when I haven't use my computer ( laptop ) for over a week, do I turn it on this morning and all the settings are fecked.
The display properties, the layout of my desktop icons ( which are set up very particulalry to my liking ) etc . I logged off normally .
In Miss D's world of ...if no one ain't touched it then it should be exactly the same reality ....the time it has been left on it's own should have no impact on the bloody thing.
There hasn't been any upgrades of the system either ( if only ::) )
The 1st Rule of Geekery is quite clear ~ Shit happens
Somebody has fecked with it...? Sinister:
No one has access to it while I am away ....It is locked in a special laptop locker of which only I have my key ( why all this security I will never know seeing as it is next to useless - bizarre ) . The best thing about this tho is that my locker noo is 007. Pleases me anyway redface:
No one has access to it while I am away ....It is locked in a special laptop locker of which only I have my key ( why all this security I will never know seeing as it is next to useless - bizarre ) . The best thing about this tho is that my locker noo is 007. Pleases me anyway redface:
Dunno then... Shrugs:
The Ghost in the Machine.
( (
Technically speaking, I would surmise that your laptop is exhibiting the syptoms of being lonely and ignored after being imprisoned and deprived of care and attention.
A few hugs and kisses fix most of these problems.
I know that that feeling cry:.......I will give it some collapso then ...that is bound to make it feel better whistle:
That will probably make it very sticky - is that a good idea?
You could of course use the "Restore" option if you
had a feeling for it feel brave enough whistle:
You could of course use the "Restore" option if you had a feeling for it feel brave enough whistle:
You could of course use the "Restore" option if you had a feeling for it feel brave enough whistle:
Too obvious eh? Sorry surrender:
Don't forget I don't have any administration rights to change nuffink evil:
Have you tried "Restore"? You may be able to do that ~ after all you had enough rights to customise how it looked before. rubschin:
Pooters do change themselves slightly at every switch on ~ I know this is a fact but I know not why ~ which is one reason for the restore option being there.
Or at least that's what a reasonably friendly (I fed him cake and tea) geek once told me
Don't forget I don't have any administration rights to change nuffink evil:
Quite right too. If we didn't have to contend with "users/abusers", life would be so much simpler.
I like a challenge, but dealing with some users was like enduring a slow lingering death. This especially applies to those in the positions of directors and above - ie those who scream the loudest and claim that the whole company will collapse if they cannot view their porn, access their email (usually from their kids who are gallivanting halfway across the globe), or exchange stupid jokes/videos or arrange their next nookie session with their secretary/PA.
Oh, and spreadsheets are only there for compiling their expense claims.
eeek: eeek: eeek:
You would never catch me abusing the system in such a way angel1
Everybody gets caught at some time or another!
But you would have to be using the system in such a way in the first work laptop is for work only angel1
My additional monitor however can do what it likes whistle:
Such innocence. whistle:
How sweet.
I gave up being surprised at what people had left on their puters/mobiles when they were upgraded or the person left the company. Some things that people think are trivial such as jokey emails/texts (particularly about colleagues) can be seen as very comprising by the management - people are too stupid to delete them and it has cost them their jobs.
Basically, very few people are completely innocent, it's nigh on impossible, especially in these PC times.
I know Tel and I am pulling your leg ...just a little lol:
We did actually have one guy sacked here for inappropriate use of corporate systems . He was caught accessing bestiality sites whilst on night duty and used his credit card to download a porno film starring a donkey ( literally ) not just the normal run of the mill well hung man lol:
I know Tel and I am pulling your leg ...just a little lol:
We did actually have one guy sacked here for inappropriate use of corporate systems . He was caught accessing bestiality sites whilst on night duty and used his credit card to download a porno film starring a donkey ( literally ) not just the normal run of the mill well hung man lol:
We got rid of a guy that left his PC full of bestiality stuff and links... rubschin:
The bizarre thing was his desk was in the middle of the office and the lazy bastard never worked overtime or came in early... Can't really imagine why it was on there... noooo:
Strange what floats different people's boats noooo:
Maybe it's easier than trying to find a willing woman for some men whistle:
Over the years I have never seen a man so ugly that some woman wouldn't ~ mind you the same applies in reverse.
Warm and preferably walking is all the seems to be needed.
Bizarrely I just walked down the road to collect my car from the village garage (?985 but that is another story evil: ) and a donkey started following me... rubschin:
Did it think you were dangling the carrot between your legs again lol:
Did it think you were dangling the carrot between your legs again lol:
It was very strange... every time I stopped he/it stopped... rubschin:
Luckily it saw another horse and ran off... for a shag or summat prolly...
Stalked by a donkey eeek:
Hassled by goats eeek:
Terrified by mahoosive spiders eeek:
Do you think the animal kingdom is getting it's own back whistle:
I know Tel and I am pulling your leg ...just a little lol:
We did actually have one guy sacked here for inappropriate use of corporate systems . He was caught accessing bestiality sites whilst on night duty and used his credit card to download a porno film starring a donkey ( literally ) not just the normal run of the mill well hung man lol:
Keep on pulling razz:
I've just lost everything from my desktop PC... noooo:
In the immortal wise words of a very wise man ..
Somebody has fecked with it...? Sinister:
In the immortal wise words of a very wise man ..
Somebody has fecked with it...? Sinister:
I've just lost everything from my desktop PC... noooo:
Translation: "I've just cocked up installed my new water cooling system & lost everything from my desktop PC"
Stupid disk cloning software! Banghead
Stupid disk cloning software! Banghead
RTFM! whistle:
I suggested that and got shot down in a hail of bullets cry:
It is a bit bastard late now to read the manual! cussing:
Anyhoo... Paragon disc cloning software or whatever it is called >>>> Utter, utter shite! noooo:
It is a bit bastard late now to read the manual! cussing:
Anyhoo... Paragon disc cloning software or whatever it is called >>>> Utter, utter shite! noooo:
Is that free one?
I've never tried it but I do have copies of their software.
Ghost always worked for me.
It is a bit bastard late now to read the manual! cussing:
Anyhoo... Paragon disc cloning software or whatever it is called >>>> Utter, utter shite! noooo:
Is that free one?
I've never tried it but I do have copies of their software.
Ghost always worked for me.
I dunno which one... surrender:
It has been on my file server for ages... I seem to remember it was a disaster the last time I used it too! lol:
Anyhoo... I've removed it now. evil:
That's what I like about you - you always learn from your mistakes happy001
That's what I like about you - you always learn from your mistakes happy001
Yes, you have been here twice... rubschin:
That's what I like about you - you always learn from your mistakes happy001
Yes, you have been here twice... rubschin:
Third time lucky?
I don't think so sad24:
I don't think so sad24:
Oh I don't know, you could always time the next trip so its just LL there. whistle:
I don't think so sad24:
Oh I don't know, you could always time the next trip so its just LL there. whistle:
They tried to do that this time! evil:
That worked out well didn't it sad32:
That worked out well didn't it sad32:
I was too cunning... eveilgrin:
Next time tell him it's Nick visiting instead. whistle: