The Virtual Pub

Come Inside... => The Snug => Topic started by: Nick on March 14, 2010, 09:27:52 AM

Title: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Nick on March 14, 2010, 09:27:52 AM
So what treats are the laydees expecting? And what did you actually get?  eveilgrin:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Miss Demeanour on March 14, 2010, 09:36:03 AM
Don't be daft  noooo:

The predicted happened yesterday as madam had suggested we go 'shopping' together  scared2:  An hour or two later she casually mentions a 'party ' that is happening that night..friend of so and so's. Don't worry Sarah's dad will pick us up and bring us home she says.

So I casually ask where this party is .....  " somewhere near Croydon"  Shrugs:

Said I would need and address and contact number if she wanted to go ...and then it began ...the why are you so unfair, no one else's parents are like are ruining my life yadda , yadda ,yadda

She is still in bed ...I am expecting very little reward for my draconian mothering skills today  lol:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on March 14, 2010, 10:02:42 AM
Have not received anything.  However, eldest helped with shopping yesterday and then cleaned my car (his standard is higher than mine too).  He is also my technical expert, clothes critic/music critic/ behaviour critic, chief hairdresser (shut up Barman) and keeps a weather eye on his brother for me.  I have good things from him all year and not just on one day.

The younger one lets me love him and spend money on him and in return lets me take him to parents evening a week ahead of schedule.  He also puts the washing out and retrieves it when I am at work 20 miles away.
He also, once, allowed me to play guitar hero!

Have planned my own day so they don't have to. drumroll:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Barman on March 14, 2010, 10:04:05 AM
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on March 14, 2010, 10:06:21 AM

Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Miss Demeanour on March 14, 2010, 10:11:27 AM
 eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek:

The gruffalo has just woken and presented me with a 'Best Mum' mug and a photo in a heart shaped frame of the 2 of us

Also a card and this was the best bit .... she wrote

" Even though sometimes I don't show it I love you and thank you for everything you've done for me "

I feel faint and may have to go back to bed
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on March 14, 2010, 10:12:02 AM
Oh Eldest has just handed me a card.  By Nicholas Verrall 'La Venise Verte, France'  cos he didnt like the cards with Mothers day on and he liked this picture.   whistle:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Barman on March 14, 2010, 10:12:24 AM
eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek:

The gruffalo has just woken and presented me with a 'Best Mum' mug and a photo in a heart shaped frame of the 2 of us

Also a card and this was the best bit  she wrote

" Even though sometimes I don't show it I love you and thank you for everything you've done for me "

I feel faint and may have to go back to bed

Be afraid, be very afraid!  scared2:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Barman on March 14, 2010, 10:13:17 AM
Oh Eldest has just handed me a card.  By Nicholas Verrall 'La Venise Verte, France'  cos he didnt like the cards with Mothers day on and he liked this picture.   whistle:

Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: GROWLER on March 14, 2010, 10:16:23 AM
eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek: eeek:

The gruffalo has just woken and presented me with a 'Best Mum' mug and a photo in a heart shaped frame of the 2 of us

Also a card and this was the best bit  she wrote

" Even though sometimes I don't show it I love you and thank you for everything you've done for me "

I feel faint and may have to go back to bed


Nice things our lovely teenage kids have done today thread beckons at this rate. eeek:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Nick on March 14, 2010, 10:17:02 AM
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on March 14, 2010, 10:17:22 AM
Oh Eldest has just handed me a card.  By Nicholas Verrall 'La Venise Verte, France'  cos he didnt like the cards with Mothers day on and he liked this picture.   whistle:



Anyhow, youngest has now surfaced and just handed over another card.  So all boxes ticked ... but it really wouldn't have mattered.   cloud9:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Nick on March 14, 2010, 10:18:10 AM
Oh Eldest has just handed me a card.  By Nicholas Verrall 'La Venise Verte, France'  cos he didnt like the cards with Mothers day on and he liked this picture.   whistle:


It all sounds very suspicious to me  noooo:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: GROWLER on March 14, 2010, 10:20:14 AM
Oh Eldest has just handed me a card.  By Nicholas Verrall 'La Venise Verte, France'  cos he didnt like the cards with Mothers day on and he liked this picture.   whistle:



Anyhow, youngest has now surfaced and just handed over another card.  So all boxes ticked ... but it really wouldn't have mattered.   cloud9:

You are one extremely lucky teddy there Gip.
They all sound delightful.

Take a pat on the back for all YOUR hard werk over the years. happ096

Must admit, my two sprogs are pretty decent to their mother. It's just me they save all their abuse and nastiness for it seems. ::)
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Miss Demeanour on March 14, 2010, 10:23:09 AM
Oh Eldest has just handed me a card.  By Nicholas Verrall 'La Venise Verte, France'  cos he didnt like the cards with Mothers day on and he liked this picture.   whistle:

Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Barman on March 14, 2010, 10:27:43 AM
Oh Eldest has just handed me a card.  By Nicholas Verrall 'La Venise Verte, France'  cos he didnt like the cards with Mothers day on and he liked this picture.   whistle:


I bet he painted curtains on his version...  whistle:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 14, 2010, 11:26:52 AM
Yesterday SWWLTBO took the children to her Mother's ~ she took my Landrover to carry all the shite she was taking. Cake, flowers, cards, sundry "little" gifts. Once there they met up with her Brother and Sister so the old lady was totally overwhelmed. She left her battered old Corsa here in case I wanted to go anywhere. I had filled the Landrover on Friday = £63 of diesel.

Of course I had to go out because my wonderful children had instructed me to obtain Cards, Flowers and Chocs for them to give SWWLTBO today.

The fvcking Corsa has a 43 ltr tank. I had to fill it as the warning light was on .... 42.2 litres = £45 of unleaded.

Then I spent £25 on Cards, Flowers and Chocs (Don't get me started on the rip off prices because it's Mothers Day)

This morning I got up at 6.30, woke the boys and  we I prepared their Mum's brekky and put it plus two pots of dwarf daffodils on a tray. It took four attempts to get the THW to wake and get up so that she could join the boys in presenting their mother with her Breakfast in Bed plus Cards, Flowers and Chocs. Had I let her snore on she would have accused me of deliberately side-lining her so I dragged her from the arms of Morpheus and now stand accused of waking her unnecessarily.
So at 8am SWWLTBO was sat up in bed opening cards, sniffing her flowers and sipping her early morning cuppa.

She thinks the Children are wonderful .... "So thoughtful, so kind etc etc".

The boys have failed to say "Thanks Dad" and the THW is fuming at being got out of bed before mid-day on a Sunday.

I went out to re-park the Landrover, that SWWLTBO had abandoned in the drive, so that she could get her Corsa out to go to Church in. The Landrover has no fuel in it. 

This weekend has cost me £200+ and I don't have a Mother.  cussing:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Nick on March 14, 2010, 11:30:12 AM
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Miss Demeanour on March 14, 2010, 11:32:21 AM
But you have a very happy wife - as Mastercard would say - priceless  whistle:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 14, 2010, 11:33:51 AM
She spurned my soft words, twirled moustache and  eyes: on the grounds that she had to go to Church as it is Minimus' Cub Pack Church Parade today. Banghead
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Nick on March 14, 2010, 11:34:32 AM
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 14, 2010, 11:35:52 AM
I shall reap my reward in Heaven I 'spect.  confused:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Miss Creant Commander of the picklement and baking BAb(Hons) on March 14, 2010, 11:40:29 AM
Daughter number one surprised me with a visit yesterday afternoon.  It was lovely to see her and her partner.  They came bearing a card a plant and some oil.  Stayed for supper and left bout 8pm.  Great fun. She has been on the phone today too, wished me happy Mothers Day and asked if I could phone my son so that he could wish me happy mothers day. rubschin:

Daughter number three sent a package and card earlier in the week.  Some rather nice soap and some begonia tubers.

Daughter number two sent a card.  All three cards contained lovely messages and as daughter number two is at uni  and poor,  that the card got here on time is a result.

The rest of the day will be spent trying to phone my mother evil: and doing 'me' stuff. cloud9:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Nick on March 14, 2010, 11:42:20 AM
What sort of oil!? whacky115
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 14, 2010, 11:43:40 AM
I am now cooking Sunday Lunch as the Children "do not know how"  Banghead

The THW will be 17 in 2 months time. She plans to set up home with her BF in October and she can't boil water  ::)

OH ................ Roast Chicken and all trimmings have been requested.
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 14, 2010, 11:44:03 AM
What sort of oil!? whacky115

It'll be "essential" and smelly I reckon.
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Darwins Selection on March 14, 2010, 01:51:44 PM
What sort of oil!? whacky115

It'll be "essential" and smelly I reckon.

1000 litres of 35sec would have been better.
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 14, 2010, 01:59:24 PM
Indeed it would  evil:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Miss Creant Commander of the picklement and baking BAb(Hons) on March 14, 2010, 02:55:48 PM
What sort of oil!? whacky115

It'll be "essential" and smelly I reckon.

It is smelly, I have to stick small sticks in a bottle or sommat.  Not my cup of tea still it is the thought that counts and the plant and chocolates are very nice.  It's not so very long ago that I was getting hideous statue things from her with 'worlds best mum' written on it.  Come on own up most of you have  had something similar on Fathers day.  Prolly didn't say 'worlds greatest mum', I will grant you.  And then there were the trays full of cold toast and tea for years on  end and having to stay in bed and eat the bloody stuff.  surrender:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Nick on March 14, 2010, 02:58:10 PM
I have a small collection of those "World's Best Dad" things. They must sell thousands of them  noooo: so they can't all be true
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Grumpmeister on March 14, 2010, 09:13:05 PM
Have not received anything.  However, eldest helped with shopping yesterday and then cleaned my car (his standard is higher than mine too).  He is also my technical expert, clothes critic/music critic/ behaviour critic, chief hairdresser (shut up Barman) and keeps a weather eye on his brother for me.  I have good things from him all year and not just on one day

BM is probably just jealous as the best he can get in that regard is a quick buff up with Turtle Wax.  whistle:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on March 14, 2010, 09:40:55 PM
Have not received anything.  However, eldest helped with shopping yesterday and then cleaned my car (his standard is higher than mine too).  He is also my technical expert, clothes critic/music critic/ behaviour critic, chief hairdresser (shut up Barman) and keeps a weather eye on his brother for me.  I have good things from him all year and not just on one day

BM is probably just jealous as the best he can get in that regard is a quick buff up with Turtle Wax.  whistle:

Oh... I haven't seen him without his bucket. whistle:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 15, 2010, 08:36:19 AM
My Elder Daughter tends to send me things like small teddy bears with "Number One Dad" on them.
One year she sent a large but very light box. On opening it a helium balloon floated up with a small teddy bear attached. She is 39 FFS!
SWWLTBO always makes sure the children give me chocolate ~ I am diabetic so she gets to eat it  cussing:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 15, 2010, 08:37:06 AM
Have not received anything.  However, eldest helped with shopping yesterday and then cleaned my car (his standard is higher than mine too).  He is also my technical expert, clothes critic/music critic/ behaviour critic, chief hairdresser (shut up Barman) and keeps a weather eye on his brother for me.  I have good things from him all year and not just on one day

BM is probably just jealous as the best he can get in that regard is a quick buff up with Turtle Wax.  whistle:

Oh... I haven't seen him without his bucket. whistle:

Oh you don't want to ~ trust us. whistle:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Barman on March 15, 2010, 09:22:03 AM
Have not received anything.  However, eldest helped with shopping yesterday and then cleaned my car (his standard is higher than mine too).  He is also my technical expert, clothes critic/music critic/ behaviour critic, chief hairdresser (shut up Barman) and keeps a weather eye on his brother for me.  I have good things from him all year and not just on one day

BM is probably just jealous as the best he can get in that regard is a quick buff up with Turtle Wax.  whistle:

Oh... I haven't seen him without his bucket. whistle:

Oh you don't want to ~ trust us. whistle:

Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Miss Demeanour on March 15, 2010, 09:40:19 AM
Have not received anything.  However, eldest helped with shopping yesterday and then cleaned my car (his standard is higher than mine too).  He is also my technical expert, clothes critic/music critic/ behaviour critic, chief hairdresser (shut up Barman) and keeps a weather eye on his brother for me.  I have good things from him all year and not just on one day

BM is probably just jealous as the best he can get in that regard is a quick buff up with Turtle Wax.  whistle:

Oh... I haven't seen him without his bucket. whistle:

Be grateful for the lack of mental scarring  lol:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Barman on March 15, 2010, 10:57:55 AM
Have not received anything.  However, eldest helped with shopping yesterday and then cleaned my car (his standard is higher than mine too).  He is also my technical expert, clothes critic/music critic/ behaviour critic, chief hairdresser (shut up Barman) and keeps a weather eye on his brother for me.  I have good things from him all year and not just on one day

BM is probably just jealous as the best he can get in that regard is a quick buff up with Turtle Wax.  whistle:

Oh... I haven't seen him without his bucket. whistle:

Be grateful for the lack of mental scarring  lol:

Et tu, Demeane?  sad24:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Snoopy on March 15, 2010, 11:00:49 AM
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on March 15, 2010, 10:06:34 PM
Oh Eldest has just handed me a card.  By Nicholas Verrall 'La Venise Verte, France'  cos he didnt like the cards with Mothers day on and he liked this picture.   whistle:



Anyhow, youngest has now surfaced and just handed over another card.  So all boxes ticked ... but it really wouldn't have mattered.   cloud9:

You are one extremely lucky teddy there Gip.
They all sound delightful.

Take a pat on the back for all YOUR hard werk over the years. happ096

Must admit, my two sprogs are pretty decent to their mother. It's just me they save all their abuse and nastiness for it seems. ::)
Their father is very strict and so I always look like the good one so cant take any credit at all. But thanks and yes I feel I am very lucky.
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Just One More on March 15, 2010, 10:49:12 PM
Their father is very strict and so I always look like the good one so cant take any credit at all. But thanks and yes I feel I am very lucky.

Would your lads say that too?  rubschin:
Title: Re: The all new "Blimey, it's Mother's/Mothers' Day" thread
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on March 16, 2010, 04:24:33 AM