The Virtual Pub

Come Inside... => Saloon Bar => Topic started by: Just One More on August 07, 2011, 07:32:51 AM

Title: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 07, 2011, 07:32:51 AM
I didn't expect to wake up those continuous images on Skynews this morning. Shocking footage of the scenes overnight, but the one image that will stay in my mind was the live one only three or four minutes ago where two coppers had two girls aged no more than 12, they were being questioned, they had there hands behind their backs and they were handcuffed. Now they MAY be little toerags already, but it's hardly going to get them to show admiration with the police in the future.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 07, 2011, 07:44:24 AM
Having been responsible for the operational management of several sites in the area that we guarded when the last lot kicked off I can assure you that those little girls will have had no love of the police anyway. The "children" were frequently the ones used to carry the weapons and petrol bombs etc in and out..... A trick the locals picked up from the IRA. I doubt that the police have forgotten.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 07, 2011, 12:15:14 PM
I agree ,many  kids nowadays have no respect for person or property. many of the thugs last night destroying Tottenham would have been no more than kids  Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 07, 2011, 12:20:48 PM
I agree ,many  kids nowadays have no respect for person or property. many of the thugs last night destroying Tottenham would have been no more than kids  Banghead

Not just kids sadly.

Bunch of selfish twats came slithering down our road a week last night at 1:00am, hollering and hurling drunken abuse at everyone and everything. waking the whole neighbourhood up.
Looked out, and I'd say they were in their mid 30's, men and wimmin, smartly dressed and I think probably on their way back from the Chester races evening via our local 'trendy' absolute shit hole of a pub, where all the best top class scum bags hang out every weekend cus of the late bar. Angry9:

Absolutely NO respect and no consideration for anyone but their greedy nasty little selves.

I want OUT! Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 05:15:00 AM
It's all sooooo sadly predictable  noooo:.

Opportunistic thuggery - sickening behaviour from low life  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 08, 2011, 10:34:33 AM
I heard the phrase 'recreational violence' used this morning ... oh dear, oh dear.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 10:35:42 AM
Honestly it is making me seethe today   evil:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 08, 2011, 10:36:29 AM
Trot up to Wood Green and tell 'em that.  whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 10:37:47 AM
Don't need to ....just had to go through Brixton this morning and look around at the pointless wankers that have smashed up everything in sight.

Still it's the only way they are ever going to get that new pair of trainers or a new 3D TV  Banghead Banghead Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 11:04:39 AM
The pressure is ramping up on Boris Johnson to return from holiday and and take charge of what looks likely to be an ongoing stretch of disorder

We are all feckin doomed  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 08, 2011, 11:07:30 AM
The pressure is ramping up on Boris Johnson to return from holiday and and take charge of what looks likely to be an ongoing stretch of disorder

We are all feckin doomed  noooo:

Pressure from who?
The Daily Mail I suppose.  ::)

To misquote Alistair Campbell again. "The Press are having a wankfest over this but the country at large doesn't give a f***"

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 11:10:25 AM

Boris's decision to stay on holiday has been defended by his deputy, Kit Malthouse, who said that reacting to the criminals "is kind of rewarding them", but there is a rising sense that the mayor should be back to deal with the situation.

Mr Johnson did himself no favours by repeatedly referring to Mark Duggan, the man killed by police on Thursday, as Michael.


Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 08, 2011, 01:44:29 PM
Don't quite understand looting whilst rioting. At what point do you stop standing up for what you believe in and decide life would be better with a free radio alarm clock?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 01:51:19 PM
There were no principles being defended. Just diversions and distractions so that the acquistion could take place.

Mind you some of the aspirations weren't very high of my favourite pictures (

If you are going to loot from Curry's go for the value range of microwaves  .....can't imagine how she got caught  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 02:52:26 PM
Can anyone suggest a reason why water cannons aren't being used please....preferably with the use of concentrated hydrochloric acid.
Bloody madness that all plod appear to have in their armourmant, are plastic shields  from Toys R Us ,crash hats with ROZZERS written on them, and a few old unprotected dobbins to lollop around on.

Get the friggin' army in and blast this selfish greedy vilolent filth off the streets and down the man hole covers where they belong.

I fully expect this 'fun' to spread nationwide now tbh.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 03:02:35 PM
What happened to the Riot Act?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 03:04:45 PM
It was read to them but no one understood ENglish?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 08, 2011, 03:05:21 PM
It was repealed in 1973  ::)
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 03:06:28 PM

( (

Unfortunately it was repealed in 1973.

No one asked me!
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 08, 2011, 03:09:21 PM
It was replaced in 1986 by the Public Order Act...... a breach of which, unfortunately, no longer carries the death penalty.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 03:54:01 PM
It was replaced in 1986 by the Public Order Act...... a breach of which, unfortunately, no longer carries the death penalty.

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 08, 2011, 04:05:57 PM
Beam them up!   eveilgrin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 08, 2011, 04:56:10 PM
Bloody hell, they're not even waiting for dark now  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Grumpmeister on August 08, 2011, 05:15:59 PM
As long as we have a justice system with less teeth than a denture user and a prison system with more amenities than a bleedin' hotel scenes like this are hardly surprising. Add to that the underclass that has been created over the last few years and something like this was bound to happen somewhere in the country. 

As for why water cannons weren't used Mr G, 3 little words would have shot that idea down before they even got out of the garage. The abortion that is the Human Rights Act
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 05:55:25 PM
Vigilante groups against this scum need to be set up then. No looting, no fire bombing, no going for the rozzers and decent peace loving law abiding innocent victims and passers by and their hard earned possessions,, NO, just the filthy oxygen thieving fucking low life toilet bacterium trash that need anialating and eradicating. Angry9:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 05:57:51 PM
And how are you this fine evening Mr Placid?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 08, 2011, 06:06:36 PM
I was going to go out tonight ... I think I'll defer  evil:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 06:06:57 PM
And how are you this fine evening Mr Placid?

Well don't you feel incensed watching those pictures and footage of this vile vermin just doing as they want and ruling the piggin' roost?
Wait 'til it starts kicking of in Nottingham ey.

I'm getting meself prepared 'cus these scenes are only going to become more commonplace and prevealnt as the years roll by, with mealy mouthed politicians not having the guts to sort all this shit out and loosening the shackles that we are all suffering from courtesy of the bastard human rights arse wipes in Brussels. cussing:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 06:09:32 PM
I was going to go out tonight ... I think I'll defer  evil:

I rest my case.

Too bastard scared to venture out of our own homes now.

Get the bloody Army out, and proper ammunition on this worthless garbage too, not that nancy rubber stuff.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 08, 2011, 06:09:59 PM
 happ096 Mr G!  Seriously!
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 06:15:21 PM
happ096 Mr G!  Seriously!

Yea, seriously Pasty, these scenes have really incensed me, so god almighty knows how those poor sods that are all suffering at the claws of those thieving scheming vanadlising utter utter bastards are going through. I could weep for them, rozzers and all tbh. Even theor hands are tied.

WE ARE GOOSED in this shit 'ole of a once proud cuntry of ours. The lunatics have taken over, official. Angry9:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 06:18:32 PM
I have never felt more like running far , far away . Not because I live in fear but because I am just getting to the point when I despair of this place , be it London or England  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 06:20:23 PM
It is Lewisham now  noooo:

All hoodies  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 06:22:45 PM
And Croydon ...the Brat was meant to be going to Air Cadets - they have advised it is not safe  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 06:23:46 PM
It is the skool holidays, innit?  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 08, 2011, 06:26:48 PM
Shite!  evil: evil:  It's getting close

1913: Elaine the third tweets: feeling the tension. riots spread to east street #camberwell #LondonRiots

East Street is a local market street about half a mile away. Nothing but genuine market traders, shops plying their trade, been there for over a hundred years, Charlie Chaplin born down the road, Michael Caine born up the road... there is absolutely no reason behind this other than greed, get what you can, fvck anybody else  evil: evil:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 06:33:49 PM
Watching C4 news. Scarey  scared2:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 06:52:46 PM
"The culprits are going to be brought to justice, have no dobnts about that.
They will be punished.
We will not tolerate this mindless violence and looting"

That'll be a nice little comfy spell inside for a few days then I suppose, or worse still, a severe reprimand or tap on the hand followed by some extra tough rehab skiing in Switzerland at OUT expense, bless 'em. sick2:

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 06:54:52 PM
And how are you this fine evening Mr Placid?

Well don't you feel incensed watching those pictures and footage of this vile vermin just doing as they want and ruling the piggin' roost?
Wait 'til it starts kicking of in Nottingham ey.
I'm getting meself prepared 'cus these scenes are only going to become more commonplace and prevealnt as the years roll by, with mealy mouthed politicians not having the guts to sort all this shit out and loosening the shackles that we are all suffering from courtesy of the bastard human rights arse wipes in Brussels. cussing:

What was I saying jjust half an hour ago?  eeek:

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 08, 2011, 07:09:23 PM
I think I might put in some practice  eveilgrin:

Tameshigiri, Katana test cutting Video (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on August 08, 2011, 07:14:35 PM
Sensei.  cloud9:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 07:21:50 PM
Sensei.  cloud9:

Does that involve Lycra?  rubschin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 08, 2011, 07:26:10 PM
This is pure anarchy now. The police need to bring in water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets on this scum. They are taking the piss out of the police and the police are letting them do it. F**k human rights , they have foregone those
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 07:29:16 PM
This is pure anarchy now. The police need to bring in water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets on this scum. They are taking the piss out of the police and the police are letting them do it. F**k human rights , they have foregone those

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on August 08, 2011, 07:36:23 PM
Sensei.  cloud9:

Does that involve Lycra?  rubschin:

No a white dressing gown and a coloured belt.  ;D
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 07:39:29 PM
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 08, 2011, 07:43:55 PM
They're going fvcking mental  noooo:   whacky115

20:26: Three hooded youths kicked down the door of a Tesco Metro store in East Dulwich Road, near Peckham Rye, before jumping over the counter, reports the Press Association.

WTF?   eeek:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 07:47:37 PM
Does reading this make me BNP? (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 08, 2011, 07:49:32 PM
what a country eh? Explode:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Darwins Selection on August 08, 2011, 07:50:51 PM
They're going fvcking mental  noooo:   whacky115

20:26: Three hooded youths kicked down the door of a Tesco Metro store in East Dulwich Road, near Peckham Rye, before jumping over the counter, reports the Press Association.

WTF?   eeek:

 noooo: Haven't they heard of home shopping?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 08, 2011, 07:53:10 PM
They're going fvcking mental  noooo:   whacky115

20:26: Three hooded youths kicked down the door of a Tesco Metro store in East Dulwich Road, near Peckham Rye, before jumping over the counter, reports the Press Association.

WTF?   eeek:

 noooo: Haven't they heard of home shopping?

Most of them are shopping on-lines.......
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 08, 2011, 07:53:40 PM
They're going fvcking mental  noooo:   whacky115

20:26: Three hooded youths kicked down the door of a Tesco Metro store in East Dulwich Road, near Peckham Rye, before jumping over the counter, reports the Press Association.

WTF?   eeek:

 noooo: Haven't they heard of home shopping?

I wish DS, I wish.  Perhaps Nick should consult?   rubschin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on August 08, 2011, 07:54:04 PM

No white with sugar, honey.  happy001
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 07:55:50 PM
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Darwins Selection on August 08, 2011, 07:57:51 PM
I have been invited to take a charabanc to the City with a few chums.

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 08:02:34 PM
Why do I sense a new "Government Initiative "coming on?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Grumpmeister on August 08, 2011, 08:19:52 PM
Well bugger me, Call Me Dave has decided to get of his arse and come back to run the country. it must be serious now.  Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 08:26:25 PM
and Boris is coming home....time for the big guns  scared2:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on August 08, 2011, 08:32:49 PM
Birnimgham is joining in and police are controlling some of the routes into the City.   noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 08, 2011, 08:36:35 PM
 Spot the braincell  ( He posted it on his Facebook page  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 08:40:48 PM
Honestly I am just being more and more sickened with every hour that passes. Watching the livelihoods of hard working, long standing businesses going up in ruins and for why ?

Absolutely fucking, totally pointless.

Get tough on the bastard scum  - answer questions later .

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 08, 2011, 08:44:31 PM
As growler says .....water cannons........why not.... noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 08, 2011, 08:51:22 PM
Agreed Miss D. The latest video from Clapham at street level made for shocking viewing, and Croydon is getting ore than its fair share

APC, last night they said we have no water cannons on the mainland, just in N Ireland.  It seems that everybody wants stronger action, apart from those that are "in control"  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 08, 2011, 08:53:50 PM
Shoot them all gently in the back of the head, especially the ones in Croydon. I wouldn't be at all surprised if my late night visitors are involved.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Grumpmeister on August 08, 2011, 09:00:41 PM
Listening to the BBC coverage, Kit Malhouse has just confirmed that we don't own ANY water cannon and that he is 'reluctant' to bring in the army.

I'll bet that the people trapped in that hellhole or who have had their homes or livelihoods destroyed aren't feckin' reluctant so pull your head out of your arse and do something.

After all, we may not have water cannons but there are nearby bases that have military fire engines which can do pretty much the same job.

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 09:01:50 PM
I've been watching Reeves Corner (furniture store) burning - I could cry, maybe I will before the night is out.
Mrs Tel's manager phoned about it and then it got worse.

Martial law beckons - suspension of common law and yuman rites.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 09:05:30 PM
It's outrageous ....FFS ....what the feck had that furniture store got to do with any of it ?.... absolutely pointless and shit scarey for those that live close by  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 09:08:04 PM
At least Birmingham is on fire  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 09:09:19 PM
I can't see the flames from here but it's only a few miles away.

I'm sure there must be something in the EHRA that allows you to defend yourself, your property and your community - Sutton nick is the major armoury around here - maybe time to do some shopping.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Grumpmeister on August 08, 2011, 09:10:16 PM
At least Birmingham is on fire  :thumbsup:

I have friends in Birmingham and I can't get in touch with them.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 09:10:39 PM
At least Birmingham is on fire  :thumbsup:

Joking aside Nick, one scumbag, one Molotov and ?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 08, 2011, 09:12:29 PM
Hermann Goering would be rejoicing?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Darwins Selection on August 08, 2011, 09:13:23 PM
It's outrageous ....FFS ....what the feck had that furniture store got to do with any of it ?.... absolutely pointless and shit scarey for those that live close by  noooo:

I wondered that.

Also, how does all that CE marked flameproof furniture burn so well?  rubschin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 08, 2011, 09:15:51 PM
It's outrageous ....FFS ....what the feck had that furniture store got to do with any of it ?.... absolutely pointless and shit scarey for those that live close by  noooo:

I wondered that.

Also, how does all that CE marked flameproof furniture burn so well?  rubschin:

Maybe DFS will stop it's sale tomorrow....... rubschin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 09:18:35 PM
The tragic thing is innocent businesses and families have lost all that is theirs.

It will take for ages for any insurance company to pay up and that's if they do. Meanwhile up will go insurance for everyone else  noooo:

Then those that live in these communities will complain that there are no jobs and no investment in their area .....guess why you fucking imbeciles  cussing: cussing: cussing: cussing: cussing:

I'm am so mad
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Darwins Selection on August 08, 2011, 09:22:38 PM
It's outrageous ....FFS ....what the feck had that furniture store got to do with any of it ?.... absolutely pointless and shit scarey for those that live close by  noooo:

I wondered that.

Also, how does all that CE marked flameproof furniture burn so well?  rubschin:

Maybe DFS will stop it's sale tomorrow....... rubschin:

Here you go (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 09:24:06 PM
Yep, shop employees then delivery people, manufacturers etc - big knock on effect
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 09:34:41 PM
Seriously for the past two hours there has been nothing but constant sirens round here .....and still going strong. Could be a long night.

I live between Croydon , Brixton and Clapham so you can imagine how much activity is ongoing  noooo:

How stretched can the police and fire brigade get before reinforcements are required  noooo: . Mustn't possibly admit to not being able to cope must we  noooo:

However best to just advise the good citizens to stay inside, lock the doors and hope the bad people go away  Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 08, 2011, 09:38:45 PM
Seriously for the past two hours there has been nothing but constant sirens round here .....and still going strong. Could be a long night.

I live between Croydon , Brixton and Clapham so you can imagine how much activity is ongoing  noooo:

How stretched can the police and fire brigade get before reinforcements are required  noooo: . Mustn't possibly admit to not being able to cope must we  noooo:

However best to just advise the good citizens to stay inside, lock the doors and hope the bad people go away  Banghead

Is the brat out ........???
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 09:39:41 PM
There are elements around who will gladly take the law into their hands and after a few pints, will batter anyone in an hoodie - someones child will be eating hospital food soon.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 09:41:46 PM
Seriously for the past two hours there has been nothing but constant sirens round here .....and still going strong. Could be a long night.

I live between Croydon , Brixton and Clapham so you can imagine how much activity is ongoing  noooo:

How stretched can the police and fire brigade get before reinforcements are required  noooo: . Mustn't possibly admit to not being able to cope must we  noooo:

However best to just advise the good citizens to stay inside, lock the doors and hope the bad people go away  Banghead

At least TMR is not in London, though he will be back shortly.
Maybe with with a fuel-air bomb.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 09:42:55 PM

Is the brat out ........???

She was meant to be going to Air Cadets tonight ( Croydon  scared2: ) but the officer rang early on to say not safe. But they are going flying tomorrow so she has come home ( to pick up stuff ) and is staying at her friends tonight as they have to get up early tomorrow; but her friend's mum came to pick them up . She is a paramedic and was just about to go on duty  - dreading her shift tonight she was  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 09:58:46 PM
Honestly I am just being more and more sickened with every hour that passes. Watching the livelihoods of hard working, long standing businesses going up in ruins and for why ?

Absolutely fucking, totally pointless.

Get tough on the bastard scum  - answer questions later .

Even though I'm 200 miles away, I feel your anger.
I'm absolutely fucking livid watching these horrendous images.

I could openly weep for all those poor people ( rozzers included)  that have been innocently and violently affected by this vile disgusting  behaviour from these brainless interbred walking heaps of animal sewerage.

Time to get tough you say/

You bloody bet.
One 2 minute warning from the Army to stop looting broadcast via mobile loudspeakers.
Anyone caught after that to be shot DEAD, end of, simple. no more questions.
We don't need this filth in our society, and I certainly don't want to be contributing to its upkeep banged up in a holiday camp either
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 10:05:48 PM
This is all very scary, but watching things live is unreal.
No-one seems to be doing anything.
I don't know what the the world will look like tomorrow.

These kids will claim to be the victims.  evil:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 10:11:43 PM
Some muppet claimed they were getting their taxes back - they must have been about 16 or 17 and never worked a day in their life  Banghead Banghead Banghead

I swear I could go atomic tonight  cussing:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 08, 2011, 10:15:44 PM
...and no doubt Camaroon will talk to us all tomorrow, with that so so serious look on his face, telling us all that those that were involved will be hunted down and feel the full force of the law punish them. happy001

Lessons will also be learned, and we must ensure this never happens again. sick2:

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 08, 2011, 10:16:31 PM
The Clash - London Calling (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 08, 2011, 10:20:39 PM
Some muppet claimed they were getting their taxes back - they must have been about 16 or 17 and never worked a day in their life  Banghead Banghead Banghead

I swear I could go atomic tonight  cussing:

I saw that as well ........... noooo: noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 08, 2011, 10:42:18 PM
On sky news they said .......Waterstones had not been looted ..............What a fecking shock  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 11:20:24 PM
Time for a good nights sleep?

I'll try.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 08, 2011, 11:25:46 PM
OK, so approaching 300 arrests - very few charges.

Will they be charged with looting (v. high penalty) or criminal damage, trespass etc - low level stuff.
Heavy penalties are needed, urgently.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 09, 2011, 03:49:44 AM
The one comfort I can take from this unholy mess is the utter outrage of all the decent, hard-working people I know both on here and elsewhere. It's time our voices were heard and our remedies enacted. 
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 04:42:57 AM

You know what cancel the Notting Hill Carnival - I know lots of money has already been spent but f**k it , loads more money has been lost in the past couple of days than can ever be recouperated.

No one deserves a feckin party to help celebrate anything  evil:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 09, 2011, 04:45:56 AM
No, no, no!

Don't ban the Notting Hill Carnival - let it happen.

And then Napalm it.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 04:48:59 AM
They are more like to hold support and counselling sessions though  Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 05:00:52 AM

Woman having to jump from the 1st floor of her flat in Croydon because they decided to torch a pharmacy  noooo:

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 05:20:54 AM
They were just interviewing some masked and hooded up scroat about why this is happening.

"It's cos we is angry " he eloquently says

"Angry about what "?  the interviewer asks

"Angry about the guvment" he spits

She should have feckin asked him to name who was in government that would have stumped him  Banghead Banghead Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Baldy on August 09, 2011, 05:55:20 AM
I have never felt more like running far , far away . Not because I live in fear but because I am just getting to the point when I despair of this place , be it London or England  noooo:

The application forms for The Smug Club can be obtained from:
BM Towers,

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 06:01:42 AM
What's the interview process like ?  lol:

Anyone can anywhere I can kip ? 
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Baldy on August 09, 2011, 06:06:18 AM
What's the interview process like ?  lol:

 noooo: apc did not look too happy after the event.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 06:06:45 AM
Theresa May said in an interview this morning that water canons are not used in mainland Britain because it is not the model of policing that they use.


Instead they want to talk to the community groups and let those who have rioted face the consequence of their actions.

I despair  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 09, 2011, 06:10:16 AM
Theresa May was an embarressment, she must have repeated the same mantra three times in the same three or four minute interview while carefully avoiding the questions actually asked. We don't want politicians mealy mouthed words, we want action
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 09, 2011, 06:12:16 AM
Theresa May was an embarressment, she must have repeated the same mantra three times in the same three or four minute interview while carefully avoiding the questions actually asked. We don't want politicians mealy mouthed words, we want action

Fuck me. She's just been shown on Daybreak saying the same words again, she's like  a stuck record  cussing:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 06:16:51 AM
She's obviously been told to say no more until the big chief gets in and unleashes his cobra.

She sounds like a self service checkout  Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 06:47:27 AM
Are you saying she's the unexpected item in the shopping basket of government?   confused:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 06:49:13 AM
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Grumpmeister on August 09, 2011, 06:56:08 AM
I've been saying this for years now but Theresa May is just another example of what is wrong with government in this country, and before anyone says so I mean that all parties when in power are guilty of giving positions either as bribes or rewards for cronyism and todying. Cabinet positions should not be filled by MP's, they should be drawn from the electorate dependant on relevant qualifications and/or experience.

This mealy mouthed shite about policing by consent only proves my point. The majority of the public is outraged by these animals running rampant and we've given our consent for tougher measures to deal with them, now are you going to listen or are you just going to ignore us as you normally do.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 07:08:42 AM
Good morning, here's the local news:

Peckham (from 6pm) - Reports of buses and shops attacked on Peckham High Street, at least one set on fire. Buses have been removed from surrounding area.

Lewisham (from 6pm) - Reports of youths attacking police near Lewisham Town Hall. At least one car and possibly several more are ablaze

Clapham Junction - residents told to evacuate after fancy dress shop with gas canisters inside is set on fire

Croydon (from 7pm) - Lootings and a huge fire at a furniture store. Man shot and wounded

Notting Hill - muggers target diners at Ledbury restaurant and set cars on fire. Reports of people with machetes

Fulham - cars on fire in North End Road

Lee - mass mugging at a Wetherspoons. Police were called but they didn't pick up

Elephant and Castle - shops in Camberwell Road raided

Colliers Wood - looters rescued by firecrews after becoming trapped under the grill of a sportswear shop

Chalk Farm - motorists targeted with bricks. Youths in balaclavas carrying scaffolding poles shouting "who's next?"

Balham - reports of people carrying machetes. Shop windows broken and piles of rubbish set alight

Old Kent Road - lootings

Tower bridge - lootings

Loughborough Junction - 30 masked thugs attempt to board train to Wimbledon

Oh and Kings College Hospital, a fight breaks out between two rival gangs who are in there for stabbing injuries.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Grumpmeister on August 09, 2011, 07:09:59 AM
Didn't take long for Labour and the activists to jump on the 'Disadvantaged youths because of the Tory cuts' bandwagon.  censored: (

On an ironic note, Chris Williamson MP, tweeted this little gem:

On Twitter, he said: ‘The Tories are back alright. Why is it the Tories never take responsibility for the consequences of their party’s disastrous policies.

You mean like Labour have you hand wringing mealy mouthed shitehawk?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 07:10:41 AM
Nottinghamshire Police said officers dealt with a number of sporadic disturbances in the St Anne's area of Nottingham overnight.

Kicked off in Liverpool (Toxteth...shock and horror) later last night too apparently.

If I hear that word CRIMINALITY one more time from that slot gob of May, I'm going to actually go down there and twat her! Banghead

Never mind rambling on about the British having a 'different way of policing' you gormless muntere, IT'S NOT WORKING! Banghead
Water cannon and Army, NOW before we have full civil war, out of control violence and anarchy sweeping every street in every town and city in the country that you and your vile predecessors have completely and utterely loused up.

The dead brained filth (mainly imigrants it seems  whistle: )that are watching these scenes have now spotted the weakness in our policing good as non exsistant.... and are going to take 100% advantage of it  now
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 07:11:40 AM
Nottinghamshire Police said officers dealt with a number of sporadic disturbances in the St Anne's area of Nottingham overnight.

Kicked off in Liverpool (Toxteth...shock and horror) later last night too apparently.

If I hear that word CRIMINALITY one more time from that slot gob of May, I'm going to actually go down there and twat her! Banghead

Never mind rambling on about the British having a 'different way of policing' you gormless muntere, IT'S NOT WORKING! Banghead
Water cannon and Army, NOW before we have full civil war, out of control violence and anarchy sweeping every street in every town and city in the country that you and your vile predecessors have completely and utterely loused up.

The dead brained filth (mainly imigrants it seems  whistle: )that are watching these scenes have now spotted the weakness in our policing good as non exsistant.... and are going to take 100% advantage of it  now
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 07:15:27 AM
Nottinghamshire Police said officers dealt with a number of sporadic disturbances in the St Anne's area of Nottingham overnight.

Kicked off in Liverpool (Toxteth...shock and horror) later last night too apparently.

If I hear that word CRIMINALITY one more time from that slot gob of May, I'm going to actually go down there and twat her! Banghead

Never mind rambling on about the British having a 'different way of policing' you gormless muntere, IT'S NOT WORKING! Banghead
Water cannon and Army, NOW before we have full civil war, out of control violence and anarchy sweeping every street in every town and city in the country that you and your vile predecessors have completely and utterely loused up.

The dead brained filth (mainly imigrants it seems  whistle: )that are watching these scenes have now spotted the weakness in our policing good as non exsistant.... and are going to take 100% advantage of it  now

It was so obvious as predicted very sadly.

I'd be keeping a VERY close eye on proceedings if I was you mate, as you seem to live mighty close (as mentioned on my last 2 visits) to what appears to be, the middle east of what used to be England.

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 07:17:09 AM
Home Secretary on Radio 4 now. Apparently "lessons must be learnt." SHe just said it twice more while I was typing this  Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 07:24:36 AM
I work round the corner from New Scotland Yard.

It is nothing but police vans round here down every side road possible.

Most bizarre sight this morning was a couple of vans stopping outside the local Sainsbury's near work. These poor , knackered sods all get out and trundle into the shop.

They then just asked the way to the Red Bull  lol:

But the store manager  ( a  black guy ) came out with a whole box and said just have them , I am ashamed  of what is going on  .
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 07:30:26 AM
Home Secretary on Radio 4 now. Apparently "lessons must be learnt." SHe just said it twice more while I was typing this  Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead

Did she mention the word 'criminality' again too by any chance? Angry9:

You stupod BITCH, we want to be hearing the words, full on action, sweeping of this shit off the burnt out smoke filled shattered remains of decent peoples lives, streets,  into the sea preferably, water cannon, Army and at least rubber/plastic bullets.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 08:02:54 AM
Actions with consequences eh .......well send them on a freakin Norweigan summer camp  , without any weapons  and bloodied steak strapped to their chests understand the consequences of taking what's not yours  evil:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 09, 2011, 08:14:16 AM
I feel that today will be filled with loads of platitudes and no action.

The solution is easy and acceptable to the people, just do it!
Maybe before the people do.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 08:25:27 AM
Mesage received from the Police email notification

Last night was the worst the MPS has seen in current memory for unacceptable levels of widespread looting, fires and disorder.

The MPS responded with the largest policing operation of the three nights to date (approx 2,500 officers in addition to 3,500 officers already on boroughs). This included receiving aid from other forces and using armoured vehicles to support officers on the ground to clear areas of trouble.

A significant number of arrests were made (well over 200 overnight - in excess of 450 over the three nights), leading to all MPS cells being full and prisoners being taken to surrounding forces.

Those involved in criminality should be under no illusion that we will pursue you. We have been making arrests all evening and have a team working during the night examining CCTV images. We will follow up evidence in the coming days in order to bring anyone else responsible for criminal acts to justice.

Disturbing levels of violence were directed at officers again, leading to 44 being injured last night, which included an officer being driven at resulting in broken bones, and another officer receiving an eye injury that is likely to need surgery (separate incident).

14 members of the public were also hurt, including a man in his 60's who has life threatening head injuries.

Over the last 24 hr period we have taken almost 400% more 999 calls than normal (5,400 emergency 999 calls normally compared to almost 20,800).

Trident has launched an investigation after a 26 year old man was found with a gun shot wound in Croydon. He is currently in hospital in a serious condition.

Officers and staff continue to work long hours at short notice in very challenging circumstances.

We continue to have the plans and resources in place to respond to any further disorder, deal with normal policing across the city and keep Londoners safe.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 08:50:57 AM
Meanwhile, the wierdy beardie brigade must be rubbing their hands with glee.
Never been such a fantastic time for a bit of undetected terrorism.

God help us all.

So depressing and sickening  listening to the radio reports.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 09:38:01 AM
The Brat has  noooo:just called - they have petrol bombed the air cadet place and one of the officers was hit with a brick  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 09:39:56 AM
Where did she get the petrol?  eeek:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 09:41:24 AM
Think she prolly used chip fat  lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 09:57:46 AM
This is worse than New York in the 70's  eeek:   Actually there are a few uncanny parallels (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 10:00:37 AM
Well, that is Notting Hill Carnival cancelled then
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 10:44:25 AM
Speaking on BBC Breakfast, Mrs May appeared to rule out bringing in the Army and using water cannon, saying: "The way we police is by consent." She also urged parents to take more responsibility for their children -  some as young as 10 have been seen among the looters, according to reports.
IF they knew who they are. ::)
 Oh hang on, that could be one of my daddys' running out of the firebombed corner shop wearing his newly aquired Nike's and dripping with gold bracelets, with a crate of Stella right now in fact, you useless gormless lump of completely out of touch lard. cussing:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 10:50:26 AM
Just spotted on EweChube:


Acton W3Kensal Green NW10Aldgate EC3Kensington central W8Alexandra Palace N22Kensington North W10Anerley SE20Kensington South SW7Archway N19Kensington West W14Balham SW12Kentish Town NW5Barbican EC1Kidbrooke

bring bricks crowbars and olymic (sic) torches

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 10:52:15 AM
It really is making Cameron and his posse look pathetic . Not that millipede would do any better  noooo:

Mr Clegg was in Tottenham yesterday , tilting his head to one side and 'listening' to people that have been affected, displaced and bankrupted by this farce.  noooo: noooo: noooo:

Take direct, forceful, positive action in these circumstances. Stand up for the innocent majority and be seen to have some backbone.  NOW !!!!!
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 09, 2011, 11:09:09 AM
The Brat has  noooo:just called - they have petrol bombed the air cadet place and one of the officers was hit with a brick  noooo:

Where is it?
There is one just over a mile away from here.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 11:25:39 AM
It's the air training corp , Mitcham Road barracks, Croydon.

I have had a call from them this morning cancelling all sessions this week. Apparently they attempted to petrol bomb them last night but they had equipment on site to deal with it. And the thugs ran off pretty dam quickly.

They had been advised by the police not to intervene  Banghead
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 09, 2011, 12:05:46 PM
I hear that Somalia has offered aid  char067
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 09, 2011, 12:09:51 PM
Have just seen images of people helping an injured man to his feet last night.......and then robbing him. it makes you feel sick. Jail:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 01:52:44 PM
Local shops around here ... shutters down  noooo:

Word is that something's kicking off in Woolwich again  eeek:

Oh, and to top it all we had a drugs raid early this morning  ::)

Feckity feckity feck  evil:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 09, 2011, 01:58:26 PM
Local shops around here ... shutters down  noooo:

Word is that something's kicking off in Woolwich again  eeek:

Oh, and to top it all we had a drugs raid early this morning  ::)

Feckity feckity feck  evil:

This all happened after lunch with Miss D .............I see a pattern here .... rubschin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 02:45:55 PM
Yep - I am pure evil   confused:

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 09, 2011, 02:53:53 PM
All the little shops around the corner have shut.

Went round for some ham for the old girl next door - not a lot of choice. Got back and had to explain about Croydon last night.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 09, 2011, 03:09:15 PM
All the little shops around the corner have shut.

Went round for some ham for the old girl next door - not a lot of choice. Got back and had to explain about Croydon last night.

You are Miss D's neighbour ........ eeek: eeek:

I claim my fiver
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Grumpmeister on August 09, 2011, 03:17:30 PM
Bloody hell, sod Cameron, put her in No 10. (

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 04:53:56 PM
Bloody eerie out there  noooo:

No one on streets and all shops closed and boarded  noooo:

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 04:57:55 PM
Looks like it's kicking off oop North  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Uncle Mort on August 09, 2011, 05:06:39 PM
 I have the news on.  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 05:08:27 PM
I have the news on.  noooo:

Nooooo!  Unc, put your holiday pics on a rolling slideshow and enjoy  happy100
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 05:08:34 PM
Oh Noooooooooooooooooooooo ....we said don't turn the TV on  nonono:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 09, 2011, 05:09:18 PM
Looks like it's kicking off oop North  noooo:

West Bromwich and Wolverhampton apparently. Tipsy's patch. You girls do seem to attract trouble  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 05:10:23 PM
I'm sure you were warned at a young age about such things  lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 05:27:49 PM
Nottingham is shut, plod on every corner, looting in progress  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 05:38:34 PM
Kickong off in Birken head now apparently...6 miles away eeek:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 09, 2011, 05:39:46 PM
Manchester city centre now too.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 05:49:46 PM
Just watching the news.

Political sympathetic walkabouts ...please , please, please don't . The most cringeworthy TV possible  noooo:

Good response to someone saying that it's the parents fault as these kids need more discipline. Totally agree he says, therefore I should be allowed to smack my child if I believe they deserve it without Social Services appearing on my doorstep. Teachers should be able to discipline the children without fear of reprise and this nonsense about human rights and brainwashing  them to know 'their rights' should be quashed !!!
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 09, 2011, 06:09:15 PM
How to stop this:
Simples ... If you stop the enemy's communications and starve them of the oxygen of publicity they whither and die.

1) Close down the internet and mobile phones for a week or longer if necessary
2) Ban the media from reporting on it
3) Ban MPs of all shapes and sizes from talking about it in public
4) Slap in a curfew and arrest anyone breaking it

It has been shown to work in China and other places.
I don't mind being "cut off" if it stops these people, I am happy to suspend my 'uman rights if it cures the problem. We could always go back to writing proper letters  rubschin: Might even get the Post Office out of the sh*t as a beneficial side effect.

Water Canons, Tear Gas and the Army did no good in Northern Ireland and it never seems to work in France, Belgium etc. Why? Because the fvcking press still carried on reporting it all and those intent on mischief could still talk to one another.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 06:14:26 PM

 We could always go back to writing proper letters  rubschin: Might even get the Post Office out of the sh*t as a beneficial side effect.

Anna Log. cloud9:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 06:16:00 PM
Kickong off in Birken head now apparently...6 miles away eeek:

What is there to loot in Birkehead? Pound shops?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 06:16:12 PM
Nottingham is shut, plod on every corner, looting in progress  noooo:

Footie still going ahead though last I 'eard. noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 06:17:14 PM
Kickong off in Birken head now apparently...6 miles away eeek:

What is there to loot in Birkehead? Pound shops?

50p actually....just for the underprivelidged like. whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 06:18:50 PM
Kickong off in Birken head now apparently...6 miles away eeek:

What is there to loot in Birkehead? Pound shops?

Be an absolute blessing if they burnt the whole filthy town down tbh. Site clearance in a matter of hours rather than years. Sweet! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Baldy on August 09, 2011, 06:29:51 PM
The one comfort I can take from this unholy mess is the utter outrage of all the decent, hard-working people I know both on here and elsewhere. It's time our voices were heard and our remedies enacted.

Do not blaspheme myself.  cussing:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 06:38:06 PM
A few supporters of the poor underprivelidged unwanted, unloved and totally ignored lickle lambs   (lazy bone idle thieving breath wasting filth) are out in force on the LFC footie supporters  forum that I frequent....just...for now. ::)
Another row has started, (with an Irish contingent again) and I'm already on my final warning following a similar fracas about racism last week.  ::)
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 06:39:16 PM
Play the racism card yourself. Anti English and all that. Fire with fire, like
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 09, 2011, 06:43:05 PM
Play the racism card yourself. Anti English and all that. Fire with fire, like

I'm currently, and with great difficuly,resisting the severe temptation to launch into 'one' I must be honest.  Banghead

Don't really want to lose my account in there as there are some really decent and funny members/supporters from all over GB and world wide too.

Temptation got the better of me. whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 07:24:55 PM
THREE police helichoppers circling here  scared2:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 07:32:48 PM
THREE police helichoppers circling here  scared2:

Well, I'm glad you're getting a flavour of what we put up with.  whistle:

This is getting fecking ludicrous. Announce new rules NOW!  Plastic bullets will be introduced as from 9:00pm with 1 round in 10 to be live!  eveilgrin:
Come on up. Take yer chances!   evil:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 08:19:42 PM
Some things still manage to go ahead as normal  whistle: (

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 09, 2011, 08:30:19 PM
Some things still manage to go ahead as normal  whistle: (


Gets a big thumbs up from me  :thumbsup: (and no, I'm not Len Floorcloth and you don't win a fiver)
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 08:35:42 PM
Some things still manage to go ahead as normal  whistle: (


Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: beerhead on August 09, 2011, 08:38:10 PM
Thank you Miss D, you have just put me off my dinner. Is that a picture from a Gay Pride march ?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 09, 2011, 08:40:14 PM
Come, come now , I didn't think you were such a sensitive soul  lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Tipsy Gipsy on August 09, 2011, 08:54:29 PM
Sirens all afternoon.  Havent seen anything but the WM Police twitter site details various pockets of trouble.  Bikes were retrieved earlier from Wolverhampton where there were in for service, the shop said they had been told to close early on Police advice. 

Not up to date with news though cos have been out, 20 miles and a pint of stella out Inkberrow way.  cloud9:

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 09:00:57 PM
I am off to Inkberrow soon  cloud9: We can meet for a Lycarfest.

Sirens here  scared2:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 09, 2011, 09:06:44 PM
I am off to Inkberrow soon  cloud9: We can meet for a Lycarfest.

Sirens here  scared2:

As spelling mistakes go, you could have done worse betterer
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 09, 2011, 09:11:23 PM

( (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 09, 2011, 09:23:17 PM
I have been playing bowls in Wallington tonight. Lovely - apart from the wailing of Police sirens and helicopters overhead. Can we sue RIM for BBM?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 09, 2011, 09:27:43 PM
They've gone soft   noooo:

10cc - "Rubber Bullets" (1973) (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 09, 2011, 10:28:41 PM
The looting continues

Seagull Stealing Crisps From Local Shop (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Baldy on August 09, 2011, 11:16:16 PM
A good friend of mine was werkin like in N Ireland. Rubber bullets are the same size as A4 batteries.  whistle:

They tend to stop the fuckers quite quickly.  whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 09, 2011, 11:36:46 PM
A good friend of mine was werkin like in N Ireland. Rubber bullets are the same size as A4 batteries.  whistle:

They tend to stop the fuckers quite quickly.  whistle:

From your spare room ...... rubschin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 10, 2011, 05:17:10 AM
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Uncle Mort on August 10, 2011, 07:34:27 AM
[This is getting fecking ludicrous. Announce new rules NOW!  Plastic bullets will be introduced as from 9:00pm with 1 round in 10 to be live!  eveilgrin:
Come on up. Take yer chances!   evil:

You loot, we shoot.  cussing:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 10, 2011, 11:24:06 AM
Ironically, in exactly a year's time in London there will be hundreds of blacks running about trying to take either gold, silver or bronze and it will all be started with the single shot of a pistol.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 10, 2011, 11:25:46 AM
Ironically, in exactly a year's time in London there will be hundreds of blacks running about trying to take either gold, silver or bronze and it will all be started with the single shot of a pistol.


 lol: lol: lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Darwins Selection on August 10, 2011, 11:33:25 AM
How to stop this:
Simples ... If you stop the enemy's communications and starve them of the oxygen of publicity they whither and die.

1) Close down the internet and mobile phones for a week or longer if necessary
2) Ban the media from reporting on it
3) Ban MPs of all shapes and sizes from talking about it in public
4) Slap in a curfew and arrest anyone breaking it

It has been shown to work in China and other places.
I don't mind being "cut off" if it stops these people, I am happy to suspend my 'uman rights if it cures the problem. We could always go back to writing proper letters  rubschin: Might even get the Post Office out of the sh*t as a beneficial side effect.

Water Canons, Tear Gas and the Army did no good in Northern Ireland and it never seems to work in France, Belgium etc. Why? Because the fvcking press still carried on reporting it all and those intent on mischief could still talk to one another.

I see Comrade Snoopy has studied the works of Lenin and Marx in great detail.  worthy:

Every word is correct and I agree it would quickly fix the problem.   :thumbsup:

The parts about lynching, firing squads and Gulags seem to be missing I notice. 
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 10, 2011, 11:52:47 AM
New entry to The 2011 Rich list...

The Window Man
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 10, 2011, 01:28:01 PM
Just heard that the Millwall and Charlton football firms are patrolling the Old Kent Road to keep it safe. Go on looters - have a go if you think you're hard enough!
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 10, 2011, 02:01:16 PM
 lol: lol: lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 10, 2011, 02:04:33 PM
My local plod station was fire bombed last night  eeek:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 10, 2011, 02:08:30 PM
It was empty I understand  whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 10, 2011, 02:24:14 PM
Coulsdon Gun shop was looted at 1pm - they took all the guns. Simultaneously, Surrey Guns in Wallington was done - boxes and boxes of ammo taken.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 10, 2011, 02:24:55 PM
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 10, 2011, 02:25:48 PM
Coulsdon Gun shop was looted at 1pm - they took all the guns. Simultaneously, Surrey Guns in Wallington was done - boxes and boxes of ammo taken.

Sounds like "real" criminals .......not looters ....... rubschin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 10, 2011, 02:43:25 PM
Coulsdon Gun shop was looted at 1pm - they took all the guns. Simultaneously, Surrey Guns in Wallington was done - boxes and boxes of ammo taken.

Did you get what you needed ?  whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 10, 2011, 02:52:08 PM
Coulsdon Gun shop was looted at 1pm - they took all the guns. Simultaneously, Surrey Guns in Wallington was done - boxes and boxes of ammo taken.

Did you get what you needed ?  whistle:

Hell yeah!
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 10, 2011, 05:05:31 PM
Dan Snow sits on looter  eeek: (

Took a calculated risk but it paid off  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 10, 2011, 07:58:25 PM
New entry to The 2011 Rich list...

The Window Man
Did he start the looting? eyes:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Pastis on August 10, 2011, 09:32:16 PM
Aaaarrrgggghhh!  Banghead Banghead

Complete disconnect between parents and children here.  The local magistrate's court has been been processing this tide of scum through the night (sounds unbelievable but it's true, I know some who work there) and most held on remand pending more serious judgement.

Parents being interviewed on TV saying it's not true... "My son / daughter is a good kid and would never do that!".  Really? Well where they last night?  ::)
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 11, 2011, 06:48:22 AM
Dan Snow sits on looter  eeek: (

Took a calculated risk but it paid off  :thumbsup:

So well done him for taking action but did he have to tell the world about it? Smacks of blowing his own trumpet to me. Anything for publicity.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 11, 2011, 07:46:40 AM
Aaaarrrgggghhh!  Banghead Banghead

Complete disconnect between parents and children here.  The local magistrate's court has been been processing this tide of scum through the night (sounds unbelievable but it's true, I know some who work there) and most held on remand pending more serious judgement.

Parents being interviewed on TV saying it's not true... "My son / daughter is a good kid and would never do that!".  Really? Well where they last night?   ::)

Any of them claiming that "lessons will be learnt from this, to ensure it NEVER happens again" by any chance? whistle:

Hopefully so when you go to collect your  little 'angels' from the clink, as they come hobbling out complaining of an extemelly sore arse. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 11, 2011, 09:30:56 AM

( (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 11, 2011, 12:13:44 PM
Bloody BlackBerry predictive text. I only texted a few of my North London mates asking if they fancied a pint.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Miss Demeanour on August 11, 2011, 07:45:07 PM

And the genius award goes to ...

Rioter's umbrella attack ridiculed online (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: The Moan Ranger on August 12, 2011, 05:58:00 AM
After four nights, David Cameron has finally authorized the use of water canons and plastic bullets to help stop the blacks from rioting and looting.

Has no one tried just throwing them a basket ball?
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Nick on August 12, 2011, 08:44:07 AM (
 point: point: point: point: point: point:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 12, 2011, 08:53:16 AM (
 point: point: point: point: point: point:

What a stupid cow....  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 12, 2011, 08:53:24 AM
A prime candidate to play Dopey in the Westminster Christmas Panto  lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 12, 2011, 10:35:35 AM
After four nights, David Cameron has finally authorized the use of water canons and plastic bullets to help stop the blacks from rioting and looting.

Has no one tried just throwing them a basket ball?

He is going to put persil in the water cannons .......

it stops the colours running ........ whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 12, 2011, 11:09:39 AM
After four nights, David Cameron has finally authorized the use of water canons and plastic bullets to help stop the blacks from rioting and looting.

Has no one tried just throwing them a basket ball?

He is going to put persil in the water cannons .......

it stops the colours running ........ whistle:

 drumroll:  lol: lol: lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 12, 2011, 09:09:18 PM
Rioters are now rampaging through Manchester's Chinatown.

The Police have said they've never seen such Wonton destruction.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 12, 2011, 09:13:06 PM
Carpet Rite was looted

The police are struggling to cope with the new wave of rug dealing in Tottenham.

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 12, 2011, 09:15:54 PM
The first conviction and sentencing for looting wa today .
A man that looted DFS was fined £800 .
He has nothing to pay until 2012 , and then has four years interest-free credit to pay off the balance .

Huddersfield Police station was looted tonight and all the Sat Navs in the office were stolen.

Officers are said to be looking for Leeds.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 12, 2011, 11:04:12 PM
Oh I really do love the 'naming and shaming' of these arse wipes. cloud9: (

Found the last one particulary ironic with his lawyer stating that he's 'turning his life around'! eeek:
Yea, like righ' on bruvver. Banghead
Nearly LMCO, but then I realised it isn't actually that funny tbh.

Billboards showing all the mug shots and names next hopefully, and bring back the stocks and birch for public humiliation and floging too.  :thumbsup:
Time to get tougher with all this shite that's slithering around.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 13, 2011, 04:33:56 AM
The first conviction and sentencing for looting wa today .
A man that looted DFS was fined £800 .
He has nothing to pay until 2012 , and then has four years interest-free credit to pay off the balance .

Huddersfield Police station was looted tonight and all the Sat Navs in the office were stolen.

Officers are said to be looking for Leeds.

 lol: lol: lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 13, 2011, 05:37:58 AM

Billboards showing all the mug shots and names next hopefully, and bring back the stocks and birch for public humiliation and floging too.  :thumbsup:
Time to get tougher with all this shite that's slithering around.

 Good to see that it's already happpening Growler  (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 13, 2011, 07:30:27 AM

Billboards showing all the mug shots and names next hopefully, and bring back the stocks and birch for public humiliation and floging too.  :thumbsup:
Time to get tougher with all this shite that's slithering around.

 Good to see that it's already happpening Growler  (

Most satisfactory. :thumbsup:

Particulary heart warming when you read stories like this too: (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 13, 2011, 10:48:03 AM
A classic from the Gruaniad:

In Clapham Junction, the only shop left untouched was Waterstone's, and the looters of Boots had, unaccountably, stolen a load of Imodium.

I'm sorry but that just about sums up the mentality of those involved.  happy002
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 13, 2011, 11:17:56 AM
A classic from the Gruaniad:

In Clapham Junction, the only shop left untouched was Waterstone's, and the looters of Boots had, unaccountably, stolen a load of Imodium.

I'm sorry but that just about sums up the mentality of those involved.  happy002

I liked the picture of them looting the Pound shop! happy001
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 17, 2011, 05:41:33 AM
 Four years for inciting a riot via Facebook  (  :thumbsup:  Let's see those prisons filling up. They will no doubt appeal and get it reduced   cussing:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 17, 2011, 06:25:05 AM
I see the civil rights brigade are already moaning that its too high a sentence, they were of previous good character blah blah the riot never happened blah blah. throw away the key I say cussing:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 17, 2011, 07:25:39 AM
Tom Brake is my/our MP.

Normally a good bloke, does actually work for his constits.

Saw him on TV last night, saying those words - don't think he is reflecting the feelings of the people at the moment and expect others (like myself) will be emailing him about this.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 17, 2011, 07:59:35 AM
And if they had received a light sentence just as many people would have complained that the Judge was "Out of touch with public opinion".  ::)

Another case of bandwagon riding I fear.
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: tel on August 17, 2011, 08:17:18 AM
Having seen Newsnight last night, with the Tom brake qoutes, I was ready for an email to him.

Worse though was the appearance of John Cooper QC and his opinions that the will of the people should not affect the application of justice.
I do not like him or his position re Yuman Rites, hunting etc.
I find this article very stupid (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 17, 2011, 08:18:12 AM
At last. A judge with a fine pair! :thumbsup:
2 more breath wasting turds off the streets around here. 10/10 happ096

Time to start building prisoner ships I think, nice and comfy for the all these arse wipes anchored firmly in the Bay of Biscay. eveilgrin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 17, 2011, 05:20:00 PM
I see Big Ears and horse face have been doing a whistle stop tour of some of the areas that were subject to riots last week. Just what the Police needed, planning the visit and arranging protection with everything else that's going on.   ::)
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 17, 2011, 05:47:14 PM
At last. A judge with a fine pair! :thumbsup:
2 more breath wasting turds off the streets around here. 10/10 happ096

Time to start building prisoner ships I think, nice and comfy for the all these arse wipes anchored firmly in the Bay of Biscay. eveilgrin:

You're being far to hard Growler. Poor Jordan Blackshaw's family are said to be "devestated, shocked and upset"  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 17, 2011, 05:53:00 PM
At last. A judge with a fine pair! :thumbsup:
2 more breath wasting turds off the streets around here. 10/10 happ096

Time to start building prisoner ships I think, nice and comfy for the all these arse wipes anchored firmly in the Bay of Biscay. eveilgrin:
and the Navy could use them as torpedo practice  violent073:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 17, 2011, 07:26:25 PM
As seen  on OH's site  :thumbsup:

Mayor Michael Nutter's Message to Philadelphia's Thug Culture (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 18, 2011, 06:20:02 AM
As seen  on OH's site  :thumbsup:

Mayor Michael Nutter's Message to Philadelphia's Thug Culture (

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Just One More on August 23, 2011, 06:41:57 AM
 I don't know, the youth of today  (  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 23, 2011, 08:13:02 AM
I don't know, the youth of today  (  noooo:

 lol: lol: lol:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 23, 2011, 09:07:30 AM
 cussing: I have just come back from a trip to Sainsburys, and all I could hear was whinging kids  :crying3: Yargh: parents totally ignoring them. So when I got to till I said to checkout woman in a loud enough voice that a nearby mother of 9?? could hear '' Its about time we bought back smacking as a public spectacle''
I heard words that only Growler would utter  whistle: whistle: and left said shop with a heated debate going on behind me between said harrigan and several older shoppers. Stir the shit? me? how very dare you  whistle: whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 23, 2011, 09:11:55 AM
cussing: I have just come back from a trip to Sainsburys, and all I could hear was whinging kids  :crying3: Yargh: parents totally ignoring them. So when I got to till I said to checkout woman in a loud enough voice that a nearby mother of 9?? could hear '' Its about time we bought back smacking as a public spectacle''
I heard words that only Growler would utter   whistle: whistle: and left said shop with a heated debate going on behind me between said harrigan and several older shoppers. Stir the shit? me? how very dare you  whistle: whistle:

Wha'? Shrugs:

Why am I being dragged into this ey, why?

I'm a peace luver, and serves you right anyway. Should 'ave gone to The Asda. Don't get any of that shit in there when I'm there, oh no.
They evacuate when I arrive. eveilgrin:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 23, 2011, 09:17:07 AM
even the kids have kids in the Asda Growler,  noooo:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: GROWLER on August 23, 2011, 09:20:18 AM
even the kids have kids in the Asda Growler,  noooo:

Wandering around in  pyjamas too. sick2:

Like a piggin' scene from the 'Land of the Living Dead'. scared2:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 23, 2011, 09:23:08 AM
Community in shock as child is told off

Police were called to a house in Shoreham, Kent by concerned neighbours after they overheard a child being blatantly told off by his mother.’The child was happily throwing stones at our greenhouse, showing very good motor skills and an understanding of basic physics,’ explained the concerned neighbours; ‘suddenly his mother came out of the house and suggested that is was ‘a little unfriendly and maybe it was bedtime now.’  You could see the child’s self esteem and chances of a successful future diminishing by the second; it was horrifying.’
When police arrived at the scene they found the child’s mother sobbing on the doorstep muttering ‘what have I done, what have I done.’  The child was meanwhile being looked after by his father who was calming him down with an offer of anything he wanted from the electrical section of the Argos catalogue.
‘She’s never done anything like this before,’ he explained whilst pointing at an MP3 player; ‘it’s been a long day and this will be the fifth time we’ve had to buy a new greenhouse for the Hodgsons, I realise little Tommy needs to practice his throwing but it does get expensive.’
Police child psychotherapist, Ellie Green was appalled by the whole event ‘I thought that we had finally got rid of this kind of thing for good.  You could tell from looking at little Tommy that he was torn apart inside by the whole episode, he will have to be given everything he wants for at least the next two years or he will never amount to anything in adulthood. You can’t tell kids that they might not get everything they desire in life and do everything they want all the time, they simply won’t cope.’
Tommy has been able to stay with his family on the understanding that his mother will take a course in parenting and has promised to be doing her son’s washing, cooking and ironing until he is at least thirty five.
‘It’s the least I can do,’ she stated, ‘At least he’ll have more time to learn new life skills on his Xbox. His social aptitude has certainly improved massively since we bought him a headset.’

Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 23, 2011, 09:43:35 AM ( happy001
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 23, 2011, 10:31:52 AM
AFFS!  whistle:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 23, 2011, 11:09:58 AM
 rubschin: You sure about that BM?
As I recall the last telephone complaint You Tube video we had was a Scot complaining
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: apc2010 on August 23, 2011, 11:16:21 AM
rubschin: You sure about that BM?
As I recall the last telephone complaint You Tube video we had was a Scot complaining

He'll blame the paint fumes ..........
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 23, 2011, 11:59:33 AM
rubschin: You sure about that BM?
As I recall the last telephone complaint You Tube video we had was a Scot complaining

Um... fairly sure....  redface:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 23, 2011, 12:10:53 PM
Found it!  eveilgrin: (

The AFFS lives!   cool14:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 23, 2011, 12:44:39 PM
 Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead Banghead noooo: surrender:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: bodiam on August 23, 2011, 12:47:37 PM
is there anything that has not been done/said shown ? redface:
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Snoopy on August 23, 2011, 01:12:13 PM
Apparently not!
This is the one I was thinking about:

A Call Centre In Scotland Hilarious (
Title: Re: Tottenham - Enduring Image
Post by: Barman on August 23, 2011, 01:54:24 PM
is there anything that has not been done/said shown ? redface:

You'll have to read it all to find out....  whistle: