
Author Topic: From the Brat...to my mum...  (Read 788 times)

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From the Brat...to my mum...
« on: September 26, 2011, 08:53:20 PM »
I am sure you will be pleased to have seen that my bedroom is all spick and span as you have always wanted. I must however tell you I have left home and decided on a new life with my boyfriend. I know he is 11 years older and by the way I am pregnant but at 15 that is no big deal. Inspite of his multiple piercings and countless tattoos he is deep down a really nice fella' He has already had his head shaved so the lice are no longer a problem.

He now has some decent clothes from the charity shop on the High Street and I could not believe my luck when he told me he already has a mobile home in the woods for us to live in. He has stacked enough wood to see us through the winter and is looking forward to our living together as a couple. He has been growing marijuana for 2 years and says I am not to worry as he already has enough to trade for all the ecstasy and cocaine we will need and tells me to reassure you that the former does me far more good than harm. Any residual we will sell for food and drink. He has kept up his AA meetings for 3 weeks now.

I would make a very special request that you join with us and pray for a cure for Aids so that one day he may be cured. He assures me that he got Aids from Social Services along with many other benefits as he has never really wanted to work. He prefers to chill.He really is a very nice person and I hope one day we may all be friends so that you can meet your grandchildren as we would both like at least 6. He says that the 4 years he served for GBH was a lesson to him and he will make sure he is not caught next time.

I hope none of this comes as a shock or upsets you your loving daughter xxx.

PS None of this is true but I hope it puts my school report into perspective and I do love you so very much. Please text when it is safe to come home. I am across the road at my friend Emma's