"It's an illness not a lifestyle choice" gets thrown around far too often. It ends up as an illness but a 10yr old or 12yr old girl deciding she's fat and taking drastic action is a choice.
I'm not normally one to jump on the lefty bandwagon as i feel these people must be truly stupid to care, but i do blame the media and 'celebrity' as a whole. A few years ago apparently you had to be thin to be famous setting a poor example to youngsters, it has since got worse. Heat, Grazia et al are continually showing pictures highlighting celebrities that are too thin, have love handles, varacus veins, a broken nail etc etc etc.
Apparently we are to be obsessed with how our body looks as opposed to how it serves us as a neccessary tool for survival. Exercise don't bother bio-pot with a natural blend of ooija will sort it out, pro-retinol a will stop you looking like an old witch even if you have a wonky nose, a pointy hat and carry a broom!
What is it with wimmin anyway, always aspiring to be something they're not. Chubby, ugly birds are essential to every man who at 21 has failed to lure a good looking girl!