This is truely worrying, its a free paper that has been pushed through my parents letterbox twice, there is just enough common sense and fact in this to offset the rabid garbage and appeal to the local nutbags.
It is the price we pay for living in the UK.
Mind you there is some good stuff in there as well.
As founder, publisher and editor of a local Community Magazine I made a decision, at the beginning, to be as non political as possible and, apart from tweaking the County Council's tail occasionally, I have stuck to that ~ but there are times when I am tempted. It would be interesting to know who is funding this because such publications are not cheap to produce, especially if they use colour (or is that just in the on-line version?). The advertising certainly does not cover their costs if this issue is anything to go by. They are also very well informed even if they do allow personal opinions to cloud the factual reporting.
I note that it is issue 3. They will either wither on the vine or become an integral part of the community. Depends just how many Cornish Nationalists there are with deep pockets I suspect.