Another example of our glorious justice system. A 'man' (I use the term loosely given his tendency to attack women who can't defend themselves) with a history of violence including trying to gouge out a police officers eyes and all he gets for beating the crap out of his girlfriend because he couldn't get cash out of the machine is yet more probation time? What the hell happened to duty of care, this is a violent thug who in all honesty will probably never change his ways so how many more women are going to be attacked before one of you makes the sensible choice and puts him behind bars
Magistrates were told he would return from prison 'full of problems' and decided that custody would be the 'easy option'.
You don't think he is full of problems already? Easy option my arse, at least be honest about your decision and admit custody is the more expensive option. I know there is a cost/benefit analysis towards prison sentences these days but this bastard deserves more than a slap on the wrist and unpaid hours that won't deter him in the slightest.
Out of curiosity I had a quick look at the .gov guide to becomming a magistrate and the relevant duties and found this:
Throughout the trial, your task is to listen carefully to all that is said in court and to make appropriate decisions as part of a team. You have to think about all the evidence given, decide what is relevant and, if different stories are told, whom you believe in an unbiased manner. When someone has pleaded or been found guilty, you have to think about how to deal with the offender and consider:
The punishment of offenders.
The reduction of crime.
The reform and rehabilitation of offenders.
The protection of the public.
The making of reparation by offenders to those affected by their offences.
Well congratulation, you are doing a bang up job and bring honour to your position