Just musing on temperature and stuff...
According to the 'Catastophic climate change is happening' people 2014 was supposed to be the warmest year in a billionteen years by about 0.1°C or some such....
But I've just driven town to the village to get my post.... it was 7°C at the house, 8°C at the village and 9°C at the 'bottom' of the village.... only a few hundred meters apart....
...at the top of me 'ill it is apparently -5°C...
It will undoubtedly be a bit warmer than here at the sea front.....
Clearly, just to produce an accurate average temperature record for Cyprus you'd need thousands of monitoring points and even that wouldn't properly represent the ~15 degrees difference between the top of me 'ill and the sea front.
So, how TF do you accurately measure the temperature of the entire planet to an accuracy of 0.1°C with just a few thousand monitoring sites...?