On Thursday, our time, I am being committed for life to a hostel for the serious offence of public moping groping and grumping!
I have been sentenced to a course of aversion therapy, force feeding of lobsterand intravenous chicken soup injections. If that is unsuccessful, I shall then be confined to my private suite attended only by my personal young Polish Therapist who is qualified to shower massage and feed me. If i cry out in the night, the punishment is even worse.
My night therapist ( here a pist, there a pist
) is even worse ... a former Ms Air India, highly qualified in the art of Lingam Yoga!
I tell you folks, it's going to be hell.
Seriously, I have to go and live in a hostel now, but as my faithful Mac will be coming with me, I hope to be be back with y'all real soon ... d'ya hear?
Meanwhile ... keep a light in the window and stay well away from the Vegemite!