Nod planned to buy me a large house plant for my birthday. Naturally, he failed to do this.
Instead he gave me a £50 Sainsburys voucher to buy a large house plant.
Sainsburys do not sell large house plants.

Cunningly, I decided to use the voucher for a Sainsburys shop and redeploy the £50 I didn’t spend on a large house plant

I ordered the plant online for delivery yesterday

At 2.00 an email informed me it had been delivered. It hadn’t
This led to a discussion with the courier call centre.
In Nigeria

“It has been delivered to a suitable location “
They sent a picture of a palm tree in front of a random front door.
I said it was not my front door.
They told me to contact the supplier
I did.
They said it had been delivered. They sent me the same picture. I sent them a picture of MY front door and demanded a refund.
They eventually agreed.

This morning a woman knocked on my door. She lives 2 miles away. She was holding a large potted palm