One would have thought that by now, in the evolution of human kind, teeth would be better designed

I mean this 16 up / 16 down mullarkey's a bit Heath Robinson compared to the dextrous 27 bones in each hand.
My dental hygiene has always been orderly and by the book and the new Braun electric does a superb job - apart from stopping every 30 seconds, allegedly to let you know you've been brushing your teeth for... err 30 secs. (What is
that about?)
I had a molar lose a bit of filling the other day so made an appointment with Mr Dentist. Then, at the weekend, half the bloody tooth cracks off mid toast-and-marmalade

So, this afternoon, time for judgement... straight in with the anaesthetic... oooh, the odd loose nerve still there... we can patch that up temporarily but it's root canal and a crown for you !! AArrrgggghhh

Back home feeling punch drunk and slightly dopey for a couple of hours again and mourning the loss of another part of me, let alone the cost

Why can't we evolve just two teeth? One upper, one lower... a nice semi-circular gnasher that doesn't keep falling apart