Many thanks,
Last year you very kindly made a donation towards our Xmas Parcel Appeal. Thanks to your contributions this was a huge success and 2,437 Xmas care packages were sent out to the lads and lassies in Iraq, Afghanistan and on other overseas operations.
We're now embarking on our Appeal for this year and wondered if we could possibly count on your support once again.
For us to fill a parcel on your behalf costs just £5, and thanks to the generosity of a number of companies, the parcels this year will contain even more seasonal goodies.
All the details can be found on our website and if you would like to make a donation this can be done online or cheques, made payable to Support Our Soldiers, may be sent to the address shown at the bottom of this email.
I'd just like to confirm that SOS is now a registered charity, our application was accepted on the 29th August this year.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support, if you would prefer that we don't contact you in the future then please email me back and your details will be removed from our list.
Very kind regards
Karen Webster
Support Our Soldiers Registered Charity Number 1120684
Head Office: 20 Fairfax Road, Bingley, West Yorkshire BD16 4DR