Hals is min hwit ond heafod fealo,
I am a warrior with a white throat.
sidan swa some. Swift ic eom on feže,
My head and sides are tawny. Two ears
beadowępen bere. Me on bęce standaš
Tower above my eyes. My back and cheeks
her swylce swe on hleorum. Hlifiaš tu
Are furred. I bear battle-weapons.
earan ofer eagum. Ordum ic steppe
5 My gait is swift. I lope through green
in grene gręs. Me biš gyrn witod,
Grass on battle-toes. My song is sorrow
gif mec onhęle an onfindeš
If the slaughter-hound scents the narrow
węlgrim wiga, žęr ic wic buge,
Hall where I lie hidden with a brood
bold mid bearnum, ond ic bide žęr
Of children and we wait nestled in the curve
mid geogušcnosle. Hwonne gęst cume
10 Of love while death snuffs at the door.
to durum minum, him biž deaš witod;
The dog drags doom-so quick with terror
foržon ic sceal of ešle eaforan mine
I seize my children for a secret flight.
forhtmod fergan, fleame nergan.
If he bellies down, stalking in my chamber,
Gif he me ęfterweard ealles weoržeš--
I cannot choose to fight-that is fools'
hine breost beraš-- ic his bidan ne dear,
15 Counsel-I must tunnel a quick road
režes on geruman-- (nele žęt ręd teale)--
Through a steep hill, paw for the light,
ac ic sceal fromlice fežemundum
Rush mothered babes through the burrow
žurh steapne beorg stręte wyrcan.
Safely on secret streets out the hill-hole.
Eaže ic męg freora feorh genergan,
Brood-free I do not fear the hound's rush.
gif ic męgburge mot mine gelędan
20 If the death-foe tracks the fierce mother
on degolne weg žurh dunežyrel
Through side streets, he will find
swęse ond gesibbe; ic me sižžan ne žearf
A narrow road through Grimsgate and a hard
węlhwelpes wig wiht onsittan.
Meeting on hilltop as I turn battle-tooth
gif se nišsceaža nearwe stige
And war-claw on the foe I once fled.
me on swaže secež, ne tosęlež him
on žam gegnpaže gužgemotes,
sižžan ic žurh hylles hrof geręce,
ond žurh hest hrino hildepilum
lašgewinnum, žam že ic longe fleah.