again data goes missing. When will people learn? This never happened when they used ledgers, pens and paper. The first post used to arrive in time for breakfast and, in town at least, we had three deliveries a day. Cheques cleared through the banks at the same speed they do today if not faster and those of my age and older had ID cards.
Just because computers are modern it doesn't make them better, nor do they save paper. Remember the promised paperless office? ~ what happened to that? ~ most companies now buy more paper than ever before.
We have more Civil Servants than ever to administer a non existant empire that, if the computer wizards are to be believed, could be done on an upgraded PC from the bedroom of a 17 year old.
I'm not advocating a John Majorish return to misty mornings and district nurses on bicycles but I would like them to slow down this so called progress and make sure it will do what it claims before rushing headlong into yet more problems.
'Course ~ it won't happen.