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Celebrate (as in to celebrate achievements): touse taxpayers’ money to promote theGovernment. “There is much to celebrate aboutour schools – improving results, good teachingand committed staff… It is right to reward the staffwhose work helps pupils to learn and theseawards celebrate their achievements." DavidMiliband, on announcement of awards of between£5,700 and £25,700 to 7,000 primary andsecondary schools, 7 May 2003.
Conservatism (forces of): anyone the speakerdisagrees with.Consultant: private sector worker paid large feesto disguise government failure.Context (taken out of): inconvenient.Controlled drinking: NHS treatment programmesfor chronic and acute alcoholics.Conversation (call for a public): a suggestionused to conceal the fact that a politician has nopolicy (qv debate).