£1.3bn in solicitors fees!!! That is absolutely disgustng and yet another example of this bunch us self obsessed bastards lining their pals pockets at our expense!! Some of these poor buggers have been in an appauling state of health while waiting for this money and that's not including those who died waiting.
Underestimated volume and complexity my arse
Former miners have had to wait over 10 years for government compensation for pit-related illnesses, the Public Accounts Committee has found.
Some of the men died while their claims were being processed because ministers underestimated the volume and complexity of their cases, it said.
In the mean time solicitors earned more than £1.3bn in handling the claims.
The highly critical report argues that more than 100,000 men are still waiting for payment of their settlements.
Gross underestimation
The committee's chair, Conservative MP Edward Leigh, accused the government of having "seriously mismanaged" the schemes in their early stages.
The report said it was too slow and ill-prepared in to dealing with payments for men who suffered from lung disease or vibration white finger, which affects the circulation of the hands.
In more than two thirds of cases, the average administration costs were higher than the amount of compensation. One solicitors' firm alone raked in almost £124m.
The report said the government had expected about 218,000 claims for lung disease and white finger, but there have in fact been about 762,000 claims.
Estimates of the amount of compensation had been put at about £614m, but it is thought the true cost once they are all settled will be about £4.1bn as well as a further £2.3bn in administration.
The report said the average time for a claim to be processed was about two years. Most of the remaining claims are expected to be settled by February next year.
The Department for Business Enterprise, which administers the claims, said improvements had been made since the claim began.
Mr Leigh said: "Its attempt to implement the schemes swiftly, combined with its underestimation of how many claims would be made and how complex some would be, resulted in many claimants having to wait a very long time for the compensation they were owed.
"Some of these were elderly and ill and in no position to wait for years for compensation - in some cases 10 years or more. Some claimants even died while waiting.
"The taxpayer has also taken a big hit, with the cost of just administering the schemes expected to total nearly £2.3bn."
The compensation scheme was put in place after British Coal was found negligent in its treatment of ex-workers.
But the government did not gather its own assessment of how many claims there were likely to be, or how much they would cost, instead relying on forecasts from British Coal.
Neither did they realise that claims from miners who subsequently died would be payable to the miners' widows and families.
'An evil act'
Mr Leigh added: "There are lessons aplenty here for other parts of government planning and implementing new compensation schemes.
"Far too much money went into the solicitors' pockets and our committee expects the department to be vigorous in pursuing them for the money they have been ordered to repay."
Lord Lofthouse of Pontefract, who has long campaigned for miners compensation, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that it was solicitors who were most to blame.
He said: "In fact I have no grumbles over the government, because as soon as an award was made, the government made money available. My complaint is with the solicitors."
In what he described as "an evil act", Lord Lofthouse said firms often first charged the government, then raked money off the compensation awarded to the miners.
And did the government do anything to stop this? Did they hell as like!