My sentiments on the work-shy have been outlined time and again. Take the £28k I earn, deduct a modest mortgage for a modest family dwelling (I say modest but as with all property at preset it is over-priced), deduct £250 a month to travel to work i conditions not suitable legally for cattle, minus tax, national insurance, and council tax. Minus 60+ hours away from home each week.
What's left?
Enough that I can have the odd beer out, pre budget anyway; the children get trips out and an acceptable level of birthday presents to suit consumer Britain and I get to put a measly amount by (£50 pcm) towards when I'm incapable.
The wife has to work hence much tiredness and little time together or spending one to one with the kids.
The flipside:
The outlaws and their career in defrauding the taxpayer. Living in a more affluent area paying no a jot to rent their superior house or contributing to the council not collecting their rubbish. Earning enough to smoke and drink daily, run a car to collect said fags and booze. Rewarded for each unloved sprog they unfortunately bring into the world ad enough time to ensure the kids are suitably mis-treated.
My Policy:
One months beefit to be earned per 12 months of work. Benefit is not available to those under 21. If you are unemployed for >6 months, I will find you a job. Shovelling dog shit, helping the elderly, crash test dummy, whatever. Whilst unemployed further production of sprog will be rewarded with a disapprovig shake of the head.
Revolution not Evolution, Stop the Scum!