Seems to me the more people get involved the worse things get.
It is well established where the problems stem from, you and Mrs Nick have passed all the requirements to take the job on, all these people are only confusing the matter.
Has anybody asked if The Boy is acting up to get the attention from them all?
Some people enjoy a good "carnival". He is as good as gold when you two are on your own.
School is no longer the rigid structure that it was when I was a boy and against which I certainly kicked hard and often but The Boy does seem to find it hard to integrate with them, even though there are few real rules to break other than a rquirment to work and integrate with others. THW has similar problems in that she is much happier on her own and steadfastly refuses to get involved in "group activities". The school hate her for this stance and the fact that she makes no bones of her feelings that most other pupils and ALL staff are morons.
We have had battle after battle with both her and the school, simply trying to reconcile the two opposite points of view but neither will give. We have, however, become aware that she is actually enjoying the performance she is putting everyone through.
This probably is not the answer for your problems so I'll shut up and say only ~ We ARE on your side.
Oh and the puppies want to know when they'll be seeing him again.