Interestingly, I hear, the BBC is tracking a container around the world for the next year to see what goes where was thinking yesterday that I often favour my local shop ( a village shop, quite rare) over cheaper and further off alternatives. Just to keep it going like.
So where is my dosh going to. Tax is an effing given.
£2 for school lunch (whither the ingredients?)
Local locksmith (£as yet unknown, but cash may get recycled without Gordo knowing about it, therefore good unless he blows it all in Primark/aka China)
Online purchase of air ticket (tons of tax on that, bastards)
Online purchase of night in Brum (who owns the hotel?)
New Specs: 1 squillion pounds for 1oz of plastic made by slaves in Birkenhad and branded by some tit in a suit in Farringdon to "add value" which he then invests overseas
Tricky innit?