They are all bastards at that shite council 
I had a rather irate woman phone me at work this afternoon. She has applied for a grant from the Council to replace her boiler. She lives in a fffing huge property that she owns - asset rich / cash poor scenario.
It is in the process of being approved - however because her Carbon Monoxide detector started beeping today she has gone complately hysterical and demanded that the boiler is replaced immediately today. After calmly telling her this was not possible and she would have to call out British Gas etc who in all liklihood would disconnect if there was a problem she unleashed a tirade of abuse which ended up stating that all workers in the Council are just baby killing scum who turn a blind eye to the plight of the vulnerable.
Happy New Year 
Me me me me, I'm first, ME I SAID, are YOU LISTENING!!!?
I'm an overly self important arse wipe, I have my rights, I know my rights, I'm entitled to...I''m entitled to...I want to speak to someone in authority NOW, lah de dah etc etc.

Wouldn't it almost be worth losing your job telling them to FUCK RIGHT off ey, wouldn't it?

I had a instance with my first customer of the year yesterday, arrogant impatient prick.
I took great delight being as sarcastic as poss. to him and walking away leaving him standing there with his fat gob wide open. Not actually being MY customer as such was a great help and gives me licence to tell these types exactly how I feel. So so satisfying