Author Topic: And so they bloody should be!  (Read 593 times)

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Offline Snoopy

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And so they bloody should be!
« on: January 20, 2009, 05:15:36 PM »

The Attorney General is reviewing the sentencing of three rapists who threw caustic soda over their victim, after criticism that it was too lenient.

Bloody right it was too lenient. Hang the bastards and the stupid sodding judge!

According to a detective involved in the case. "They stood in the dock laughing as the child gave her evidence against them."

Am I racist? At times like this yes I bloody well am.

Edit to add PS ~ I know I usually advocate that the court knows things we do not have access to but in this case I can find no reason for the judge to even consider a low sentence. The maximum allowed by law should have been handed down.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 05:23:21 PM by Snoopy »
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

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Re: And so they bloody should be!
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2009, 05:30:32 PM »
Am I racist? At times like this yes I bloody well am.

Did anyone accuse you? No.

Have you advocated a heavier sentence because they're black? No.

So why do you think you're being racist?


Offline Snoopy

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Re: And so they bloody should be!
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 05:57:03 PM »
Because when I saw their black faces on the screen my first thought was "Again?" followed by "Well no surprise there ~ we should send all the b@st@rds back where they or their parents/grandparents came from" and frankly I felt violent toward them ~ because it happens just too often to be an accident of statistics. The ethnic mix in our prisons bears this out. Proportionate to the number of blacks in our country the numbers of blacks in our prisons is way out of kilter and I cannot believe, though I have tried, that it is due simply to them feeling "disaffected" or whatever other bollox the social workers come out with. There is something rotten in their souls ~ see Africa and the things they do to one another there. Some of them are just are not yet ready to live among us. Thinking that makes me feel bad about myself because I consider myself a modern man who doesn't place racial stereotypes onto people.
FFS my son in law is as black as the ace of spades ~ tho' he is not Afro~Caribbean, he is Sri Lankan. My best man was a Jamaican, I used to play dominoes with him and his mates, share their Ganja and Red Stripe. His missus used to serve us Fried Fish with rice, peas and fried banana for supper. He is dead now from a stroke ~ but I know he would have felt the same about these yobs as I do.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

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Re: And so they bloody should be!
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2009, 06:31:03 PM »
Religion  noooo:
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Offline Barman

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Re: And so they bloody should be!
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2009, 06:36:47 PM »
Sentencing in the UK is a complete joke...

Racist or not, who could read the account of what they did to the girl and believe they would ever be fit to walk the streets among us again - not me that's for sure...  noooo:
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Offline The Moan Ranger

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Re: And so they bloody should be!
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2009, 07:25:48 PM »
Sentencing in the UK is a complete joke...

Racist or not, who could read the account of what they did to the girl and believe they would ever be fit to walk the streets among us again - not me that's for sure...  noooo:

I'm sure there are white people who could probably have done the same. The colour of the skin here is not really the issue, although Snoops is right about the propensity of blacks to be more likely to be involved, rather, the mind-set that is so prevalent these days where such scum think they can do as they please. Getting nicked for it will be nothing more than a badge of honour in their demented minds. There really is no hope for people like this and forced euthanasia is the only answer. They can neither repent, nor be of any use in a civilised society. May their Souls suffer in Hell for eternity.

Offline Barman

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Re: And so they bloody should be!
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2009, 07:28:38 PM »
Sentencing in the UK is a complete joke...

Racist or not, who could read the account of what they did to the girl and believe they would ever be fit to walk the streets among us again - not me that's for sure...  noooo:

I'm sure there are white people who could probably have done the same. The colour of the skin here is not really the issue, although Snoops is right about the propensity of blacks to be more likely to be involved, rather, the mind-set that is so prevalent these days where such scum think they can do as they please. Getting nicked for it will be nothing more than a badge of honour in their demented minds. There really is no hope for people like this and forced euthanasia is the only answer. They can neither repent, nor be of any use in a civilised society. May their Souls suffer in Hell for eternity.
And may their bodies suffer here for a while first...
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