The introduction of computerised NHS patient records in England could be hit by more delays, MPs warn.
The Committee on Public Accounts has thrown fresh doubt on a 2015 deadline for the ambitious project.
Its chairman said that even in trusts already using parts of the system, staff were unimpressed and the cost to the NHS was uncertain.
SourceJust listened to a very sensible guy from the public accounts committee on 'Today' talking about this...
He (unlike the BBC reporters all morning who said that the £12B had already been spent) really understood the thing and knew what was going on - most impressed...
He said basically that the decision to go ahead was made in about half an hour in a meeting in Downing Street (no surprise there then)...
He said that 'it will never work in its current form'...
He said that 'the only benefit of such a system is at the local level'...
He said that 'local projects to an agreed standard would provide a valuable system'...
We've all been saying for years that HMG can't do IT and this will never work yet we are still throwing billions at it...