Today is no better here!
Hospital first thing for Blood Tests. They couldn't find a good vein. Much prodding with large needles until I said "ENOUGH! Get a bloody doctor in here". Half an hour wait and young junior house officer turns up, she managed it first time. Excuse ~ the anti clotting meds make the veins disappear?????? Much smirking from Young Junior HO (Actually looked young enough to have been there on work experience ~ I must be getting old) "You are a difficult one aren't you? Don't like parting with blood I suppose Tee Hee"
Went to Barbers for a trim, she managed to cut my neck ~ blood everywhere because of anti clotting meds. (WOT???????)
Tomorrow Hospital Appt to see Cardio Technician to get Implant checked, then on to see Cardio Consultant re pos changes in meds, then to see Arhythmia Nurse Specialist re irregular heart beat getting worse not better.
Monday Hospital appointment with Diabetic Consultant who will want to fiddle with my meds again, no doubt leading to two weeks of wind and worse then he'll switch them back to the ones that don't cause digestive problems.
Sympathy expected from wife ~ didn't get it but my complaining about all these hospital appointments did remind her to ask me to arrange for
her car to have a service and MOT next week.
"Like you can't ring the garage yourself?"
"No, that's what I have a husband for" as she flounces off to werk for the afternoon.