Well we know they have 8 Chinooks still sitting at Odiham whilst they try to sort out the computer software that the MOD failed to buy when it bought the bloody Chinooks and then, if anyone cares to pop into W H Smiths and buy Jane's Defence Weekly all the figures will be found therein.
Alternatively have a dig through here: http://www.janes.com/
You can bet your boots that Johnny Taliban subscribes.
And whatever they say, 8,000 troops into 20 Chinooks simply doesn't go... More importantly, the troops themselves are complaining about the lack of choppers..
It infuriates me that they can piss fifty billion plus up the wall to 'save the banking system' but don't have the money to get on the phone to Boeing and other suppliers to order drones, helicopters, armoured vehicles, bullet proof vests and decent fucking boots for the lads!