Knowing the road I cannot say I am surprised ~ there are those who drive along it like maniacs, despite all the speed limits, obvious junctions that involve crossing traffic lanes and the signs warning of how many accidents have happened along it. Very sad when anyone dies but four in one car is taking things to the limit. Of course the statistics say that these lads were in the age range when this was most likely to happen. We had a similar incident on the outskirts of the village a year or so back. Early hours of the morning (or very late at night, whichever you prefer), car full of young men, no obvious cause for the accident, just pure speed and inexperience. Much headshaking and sorrow in the vilage with talk of "wasted lives" and "something must be done" but apart from cutting down the tree they hit as the car rolled and some words about "Young men and high spirits" from the coroner nothing else happened. As the police said at the inquest "There is no point in calling for lower speed limits if people will not obey those that already exist".