I think you may be missing the point. This isn't about the children not washing their hands or about parents taking/allowing their children to be taken to the farm to cuddle the animals. This is about two matters of primary importance to the medja.
Point 1 = A good story involving victims and assumed breaches of elf n safety LEGISLATION (Shock/Horror words may be used here)
This leads naturally to
Point 2 = Compensayshun, which is why the parents are all bleating that someone else is to blame.
Expect this non story to run and run, the children will get better, the parents will get some money, the law will have a victim, the lawyers will get richer, insurance premiums will increase, politicians will pass some more legislation, employees at the farm will end up adding to the dole queues where they will find life a lot easier that getting up at 5am for milking, the farmer will go out of business ~ Ultimately nobody except the farmer will lose.