
Author Topic: State Opening  (Read 588 times)

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Offline Snoopy

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State Opening
« on: November 18, 2009, 06:18:13 PM »
Failed to watch this ~ TBH I couldn't be arsed given that it was so widely trailed by various Government Ministers and Toadies but looking at
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8365163.stm I am rather glad I missed it or I might be in need of a new TV.

Where is the much vaunted and promised legislation to clean up the expenses debacle?

What are these so called planned legislative measures? It's nothing but a list of aspirations that Brown had no hope of implementing and a couple of elephant traps that he clearly hopes will enable him to crow from the opposition benches when Cameron falls into them.

This is not something that HM should have to read out. This is a Party Political Broadcast.   cussing:
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Offline Grumpmeister

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Re: State Opening
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2009, 09:10:19 AM »
It was an utter farce Snoop.It's too close to the next election to be able to enact most of these (although given Gordo's temprement I can see him getting the bill making it law to half the national debt pushed through to poison the well for when Cameron makes it into No 10.) I would have loved to have seen the Queen put the speech down, glare at the house and tell them that they are all a bunch of self serving crooks who have destroyed the public's trust in the political system instead but that would never happen.
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