In my naive days I would have said that this made sense. If I took sick in INverness or somwhere it would be a good thing for a doctor there to have me medical records to hand.
No longer. I am on Government databases (tax, census, NI number), because of my driving conviction (
) they have my DNA, fingerprints and mugshot. My passport has a microchip in it. My car number plate can identify me by ANPR, including location, speed and direction of travel. The Boy, along with all children in the country (EXCEPT those of politicians), is on ContactPoint. Disks andcomputers are lost. Hundreds of thousand of twits have access to all these databases. My purchase of ?50 worth of Euros is checked against my address and passport. My mortgage application requires three proofs of address (for money luandering purposes) and I am watched on CCTV all fooking day
I aim to opt out, but don't trust the bastards to do it even once I have filled the form in
Oh and my ballot paper has a number on it and my Tesco card records my purchasing patterns and my emails and calls are monitored for subversive words/messages like, for example, "I have a jolly good plan to assassinate Gordon Brown. Let us all join a conspiracy" and council officials can enter my home without notice.