My eldest boy spent half term (OK they are home educated but we still "honour" the school hols) roaming the village with a mate seeking scrap to make a soap box cart. They didn't have a clue how to go about it but were convinced that I would help with the mechanics if necessary, which I would be happy to do.
After one whole afternoon they produced their "blue-prints" and I talked them through the problems. I did ask why they hadn't just got a plan off the internet but they said they wanted to do it themselves. OK having explained the need to provide some means of steering and therefore not to nail the front axle on to their plank we were "cooking with gas" as they say.
Then came the problem ~ they had scrounged a 4 foot plank off of some builders, they had (God knows where) found a real "orange" box and a whole load of foam ...... I was happy to let them raid my tool box for bolts, washers and the like but what about wheels?
Can't find any bloody wheels anywhere. What ever happened to old prams and pushchairs that you could get a set of two axles and four wheels from? Local charity shop was my suggestion so off they went to enquire ......... ?50

Yes fifty bloody quid for an old pram FFS!

They spent the rest of the week scouring every nook and cranny around here but not an abandoned pram to be found.
How are boys supposed to grow up properly when you can't even rely on people to dump their old prams in the hedgerows anymore?