Another moan I know but who the hell is so desperate as to need to be harvesting grass at midnight? Perhaps DS can answer that one as none of those who do it will.
Most people hire the baler by the day, or part thereof, and it is cheaper to pay Vlad the illegal another ?10 to operate it all night.
Next question?
Thank you kind sir ~ that has been puzzling me for several years.
Another question on the same subject.
Farmer A has his main farm on the North East slope of the mountain and his fields spread out into the valley below.
Farmer B has his main farm on the South West side of the same mountain with fields spreading across the valley.
As you will have worked out the mountain rises up in the middle of the valley.
The local "estate" has closed down operations of its Home Farm and leased some fields on the south west side of the valley to Farmer A. He grows grass in them. His sheep graze them for part of the year and for the remainder of the year he grows and harvests the grass.
The same "estate" also owns land on the other side of the mountain which it leases out to Farmer B who makes exactly the same use of it as Farmer A makes of his leased land.
With me so far?
Farmer A cuts his grass late into the night and transports great trailer loads of it (not baled but loose) behind the hoogest tractor I have ever seen, through the village to his farm.
Farmer B does the same, with a similarly hooge tractor ~ at the same time but in the opposite direction
They pass one another on the High Street outside of my house. This goes on from early morning and late into the night for three weeks every year.
Why can't they swap grass and stop all the haulage?
I published this question in the magazine a couple of years ago and one of their wives called me to say that both wives have been asking their husbands this question for ten years without satisfactory answer. They did it again last Autumn