I don't know what's come over me these last couple of days

, perhaps it's Spring... perhaps the effect of having a good break on the other side of the world, perhaps a load of inhibitor synapses have snapped in me bonce due to old age but I'm feeling decidedly liberated and mischievous

The usual po-faced commuter mindset was not me this morning as I set off to a meeting; I passed the time of day with the railway guard on the unfortunate accident that caused SouthWest trains to be running late, I engaged in conversation with someone on the train, eventually, I even struck up a chat with an old dear who was poking a 5p piece on the ground with her stick, bent down, picked it up and handed it to her as lost treasure... this caused a lovely smile to break out on her rumpled face

The morning's meeting was serious... well, it was supposed to be until I decided that a bit of reality / humour / observation wouldn't go amiss ... it went even better after that

. It's refreshing to see a couple of earnest account execs smiling and laughing

It'll probably end soon... or will it? I feel like going out on the town