When we first had PCs with Microsoft Word in my office we also had an utter tit of a Senior Manager whose surname was Wrighthouse. I was charged with re-writing the Transfer of Equity policy and sending my recommendations to him for his idiotic perusal -pointless really, as he had little idea what it was all about. I did suggest that I met with him before, so that I could explain the procedure, risk, benefits etc. before sending it. He refused as "someone in his position" could work it out for themselves. So I ran my recommendation paper through the good old spellchecker and it highlighted "Wrighthouse" as being unfamiliar. Instead, it suggested "Righteous".
I clicked the "Change" option and sent it.
I thought that my line manager at the time would go garrity, but he pissed himself.
The "Righteous" person never spoke to me again and luckily fucked off a few months later, although he isn't dead yet, unfortunately.