There can be no doubt that the media ~ led from the rear by the BBC ~ has done more to force the issues that have led to a "Hung" Parliament and as a natural course of events have then continued to pile on the pressure to gain the cobbled together the coalition we are now to be governed by.
Looking at the mocking headlines in the papers and listening to the sneering comments on th BBC this morning it now seems that the fourth estate cannot wait to bring us news of the complete failure of the whole thing.
What do these b@st@rds want?
Just give us the news, forget the speculation and guesswork. I am not interested in Robert Peston's drawling and often inaccurate predictions. I couldn't give a toss for John and Justin's rude interruptions and I certainly don't care wot the Sun thinks. As for the Daily Mail .... words fail me.
Oh for the days when the Times had adverts on it's front page and carried straight forward reports of events with comment restricted to one well written and informed column.
If only I live in Tunbridge Wells I could be Disgusted