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Re: Lies, damned lies and skools
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2010, 02:37:33 PM »
Well ring her back!

Offline Snoopy

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Re: Lies, damned lies and skools
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2010, 08:59:26 AM »
Yesterday a friend of Minor's came for the day. He attends the same High School as the THW and where Minor would have gone had we not decided to home educate.
The lad was telling me that last term, as he was leaving a classroom to go to his next lesson, the teacher called him back and praised him for a piece of work he had handed in. "The best piece of work you have done" she said. This delay meant that he was a couple of minutes catching up with his classmates and he was therefore the last to enter the next class where upon the Teacher promptly awarded him a lunchtime detention for being late in class. He explained where he had been and was given another detention to be served the following day for answering back. The detention issuing tyrant also told him he should have asked the previous teacher who had caused the delay for an "Excuse Note".

This lad, a most likeable and very polite, quiet boy, is now so disillusioned with the whole place he says he is just not going to try any more. In his words "There is no pleasing them so I'll just serve out my time until I can leave".

What an indictment of that school.

When SWWLTBO took him home last night she discussed this and home education with the lad's mother (who, like SWWLTBO, is a college lecturer) and discovered that the mother has had several blazing rows with the school over various matters and they all turn out to be over the same issues and the same members of staff that we have been fighting the school about for 6 years. They (the two wimmin) are thinking about joining forces to home educate all children belonging to both families. I am charged with looking into the legal aspects of this plan.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

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Re: Lies, damned lies and skools
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2010, 09:10:43 AM »

YOu are no doubt familiar with this site


Incredibly the Welsh Guidelines page is fooking password protected!! Why?
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Re: Lies, damned lies and skools
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2010, 09:22:01 AM »
Thanks Nick ~ yes we are aware of the rules on Home Educating our own kids. The issue that needs to be resolved is whether by joining forces and delivering lessons to all kids in each other's homes (The other mum is a science/maths specialist whereas SWWLTBO is English/History etc) we will be deemed to have a "school" or be "child minding" with all that demands in terms of H&S and the like. Fortunately we are all CRB checked anyway ~ tho' I may need to update mine as I think it has lapsed ~ but both mums need it for their jobs anyway.
You will recall the problems that two Police wimmin had with their local authority when they swapped child care as they worked on opposing shifts. Therein may lie a problem for us in educating other people's children along with our own. No money was involved with the copperettes but the Social Services started screaming about them not being registered as child minders, failing to observe H&S rools (like not being allowed to have a washing machine in your kitchen if you are preparing other people's childrens meals there ~ which is one of the daftest pieces of legislation ever) etc.

We shall see how it pans out.

PS As for the pass-wording of parts of the Welsh Assembly web-site. They do this a lot.
Same as they don't have numbers or names on many of their houses in this area. I once asked a local why this was .... I had experienced a lot of trouble locating his house .... In a broad Welsh accent he said "Well boy ~ if I wanted you to know where I lived I'd bloody tell you but since I don't give a fvck why should I advertise it? The Postman knows where it is and so do my friends"
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 09:25:42 AM by Snoopy »
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Online Nick

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Re: Lies, damned lies and skools
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2010, 09:24:38 AM »
(like not being allowed to have a washing machine in your kitchen if you are preparing other people's childrens meals there

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