Was actually more funny than embarrasing....to me that is.
Had to go to this workshop/prep unit for V.W this morning.
Entrance appeared to be blocked by an HGV.
Got out and asked this wumman who was supervising the unloading how long they were going to be, as I had werk to do, and any chance of getting past like?
She said, nah, not enough room to squeeze through, so I moved the van back and parked up.
Went for a little wander around the front of the HGV towards the unit, and quickly realised there was enough space to get through.
Walking back to my van, this bloke was walking towards the HGV as I was muttering to the HGV driver about bloody wimmin, and how they can't judge distances, being useless regarding driving and stuff in general, as we do like, and how, even though she said there wasn't enough room for me, I could actually get a bloody Chieftan tank through the gap.
This other geezer then launched into me, with a tirade of abuse, accusing me of being 'personal', and chauvanistic lah de dah dee diddly dum, bloody tosser.
After he'd finished ranting at me, I calmly asked him to calm down and keep his wig on.
He went crimson with rage, and I suddenly realised all he had on his'ed, was 2 tufts of hair sticking out from the side of his exceedingly shiny chromium domion.
With discrection actually being the better part of valour, I decided a hasty retreat back to me van was ther best option on this occassion.