I have just got home to open up my mail. Hooge A4 envelope awaits me

Open it up, it is a new initiative from my bank

My annual personalised statement

Now this is not my bank statements - I do all my banking on line
This is a lovely little brochure that tells me how much money has gone into and out of my account in a year

My average spends on certain things

Bar charts showing my minimum and maximum balances each month

The largest payments I have made over the last 12 months

Table of greatest debit card spend

Summary of regular payments

12 month summary of how I've taken money out from my account ( ATM , Cheque , debit card etc )
My Credit card in's and outs

How I have used my credit card over the last 12 months ( 34 % household goods, 33 % travel, 14 % mixed retail, 6% clothing and footwear, 6 % other retailers, 4 % entertainment, 2% food and drink, 1 % services)

Bloody hell - I need a lie down