
Author Topic: This really is getting scary now...  (Read 1585 times)

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Re: This really is getting scary now...
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2011, 07:20:27 PM »
I think that's more playing to the crowd than an actual opinion. If it really was the case then he'd slap septic Clegg down and announce the referendum knowing that it would guarantee him a majority come the next election.
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Offline Pastis

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Re: This really is getting scary now...
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2011, 05:46:10 PM »
What next in the Greek tragedy?   rubschin:


16.59: A quick re-cap on how the Greek developments have unfolded.

Last week, Europe’s leaders approve a new €130bn bail-out for Greece, which foresees a 50 per cent loss for holders of Greek debt, as well as other measures designed to stem the eurozone’s sovereign debt crisis
There is much rejoicing in the markets, despite warnings from the wise that the lack of details in the deal is ominous

Then, on Monday, George Papandreou, Greece’s prime minister, drops a bombshell: he will offer Greeks a referendum on the new rescue package
There is much anguish in markets

On Wednesday, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy summon Papandreou to Cannes on the eve of the G20 summit to hang him by the thumbs until he buckles for crisis talks
Merkozy emerge to warn that Greece will receive no more bail-out cash until it decides what it wants
Meanwhile, it emerges that the plan is to hold a referendum not merely on the bail-out but on Greece’s very membership of the single currency

Thursday dawns with news that Evangelos Venizelos, the Greek finance minister, is no fan of the referendum idea
Zero hour in Athens as Papandreou, on the brink of resignation, summons his ministers
There is much confusion in the markets

As the enormity of what might befall Greece should it not receive any more rescue cash and, perhaps, be flung from the euro, becomes clearer, the opposition conservatives reverse their opposition to the bail-out

This gives Papandreou the “consensus” he has been seeking, meaning he can drop the referendum plan. He does not resign
Papandreou heads to parliament to address his MPs, where tomorrow he still faces a confidence vote

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Re: This really is getting scary now...
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2011, 06:45:31 AM »
This has got betterer and betterer!

If Papandreou was playing brinkmanship then he surely hasn't taken into account the anger of the people at haven't a referendum snatched away from them...  eveilgrin:
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