The lad was telling me, over breakfast this morning, that they often have a sudden lesson change.
Yesterday he toddled along to what he anticipated would be a Geography lesson and the teacher introduced , in the boy's words "Some old fart who claimed to have been a businessman for 50 years who was going to talk to us about the importance of business studies."
Apparently it was soooooo boring that heads started to nod all around the room. The "Old fart" then started firing questions at them. One such was "How much money do you think you would need to set up in business?"
One child called out "Ten Fousand pounds". Another called out "Millions" and the mildly tourettes girl in the back row shouted "Cheese sandwich" which is what she always bellows in answer to any question.
Spotting Minor quietly studying the insides of his eyelids the bloke pointed at him and asked "So what do you think it would cost?"
Minor jerked himself into full wakefulness and replied "Well it depends. If you wanted to open a shop you would have to pay rent, business rates, cost of stock and possibly staff wages for several months before you got into profit. If you were buying an existing business it would depend on the turnover in past years, how much of that was profit etc. Of course if you were starting up an internet based retail site it could be done for very much less, especially if you were trading on credit with your suppliers. One thing that many start-ups forget is that they have to live and pay their bills until they get into profit so you would need to lay some money aside for that"
The old fart turned to the teacher who was sat smirking and remarked "There's always one" and ignored Minor for the rest of the session.
Teacher came up to Minor at the lunch break and awarded him 5 housepoints!
I just knew that the home education given would prove useful ~ clearly the lad had remembered all I had told him when we discussed working for yourself and how to prepare a business plan to take to the bank. We spent several days on it last Spring when he had asked me if being self employed was better than working for someone else and how one went about it. We even drew up a business plan with the aid of a free CD from RBoS.
OK so I didn't do so well in teaching him French and Welsh but in other things I seem to have got it right.