Miss Moosey had apparently fallen out with boyfriend yesterday unknown to me.
All seemed perfectly ok with her today, but then a knock on the door.
No one expecting anyone, so I goes, fully expecting yet another piggin' cavity wall insulation spokespersonage to be standing there with a clip board just the right size for anal installation...sideways.
No. Boyfriend clutching a large boket of flowers, and looking mainly downwards all sheepish and sad with a wobbly bottom lip.
Well I ask you, 'cus no bugger has ever told me.
Think I was possibly more embarrased than him tbqatth
Come all the way on public transshiteport from Liverpool too!
He only wanted to deliver the flowers and go, asking me to apologize on his behalf.
I just muttered and mumbled summat daft like, don't be daft or summat, and dragged him in.
Did I do right, or should I have been well 'ard and told him to fling 'is 'ook?