I am confessing this only because it is irritating the hell out of me at the moment and to my chagrin I am going to have to shell out wads of money having only just bought my puter back from the 'puter horspickle' the other day.
Last Saturday we took my laptop into our local 'puter horepickle' for a service. Following an angst ridden weekend during which I not only suffered extreme separation anxiety but had to try and get used to a new, smaller keypad on which some keys were not in the usual place, the whole contraption being made by a company called Apple.
On Monday we went to get my laptop, my heart skipped for joy as I entered old 'Bent Pete's' emporium, he being called Bent Pete as he is half of the only openly gay couple in Stocksbridgde, well, gay people in a steel community it just wouldn't do would it ? Imagine if you will, my dismay upon being told by 'Bent Pete' that my device would not be ready until later that day. Imagine my horror when Mr C glibly said 'no problem' we'll collect it tomorrow!
Tuesday dawned bright and sunny and we collected my laptop upon returning home I opened it with awe and delight, rather like that vomit inducing little girl in the Werthers ad'.
It worked, it was a miracle, it was 'as new'. The day progressed and a little later having taken a very strong dose of painkillers of the Morphine type I went for a lay down on the bed with a mug of coffee and my trusty computer. I typed propped up with snugly warm duck-down pillows, I dozed off coffee mug in hand. Most of it's contents missed my laptop but some did not. Most letters on it's keyboard work but some do not. I am now back to the Apple keyboard. When I get home the old hair dryer trick will be deployed and if that should fail well, it's back to the only 'gay in the village' for another overhaul.