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Cameron = Liar
« on: December 11, 2012, 09:09:58 AM »
I’ve got to hand it to you, Cameron. You’ve packed more blatant lies into this one article than I would have believed possible.

We can quit the EU and still trade with EU member states, in exactly the same way as China or the US; any American or Chinese company which sells to the the EU just has to ensure their product meets EU standards – job done.

Does that mean that America and China are “ruled by faxes from Brussels bureaucrats”? No, it bloody well doesn’t, Cameron – so quit trying to bullshit us.

Leaving the EU also means that every British company which doesn’t have dealings with other member states in the EU can totally ignore every EU law and regulation. And, Cameron, as I sure you know full well, that covers about 80% of British companies!

As it is, those 80% of British companies ARE currently “ruled by faxes from Brussels bureaucrats”, aren’t they? With all the cost and timewasting that involves, all of which cuts into their profits. Why should car hire firms, local garages, pubs, tourist attractions, cinemas, record companies, department stores, food production companies, bakeries, animal feed merchants, etc, etc, etc, all be hamstrung by these damn fool regulations – just because YOU think we’re better off in the EU, and are too bloody arrogant to even give us a say in the matter?

You imply that we are currently “writing the rules of the market”. Go on, then, liar – tell us about ONE example where we have had any effective influence. Give us ONE example of where you have “fought Britain’s corner”, or “stood up for Britain”, and made any significant difference.

But there isn’t one you can quote, is there? Otherwise you’d have been shouting it from the rooftops! That’s why the best you can come up with is waffle, flannel, and meaningless fast chat – and, of course, one damn lie after another.

  “Mr Cameron said the “political mood in Britain is quite settled behind really quite significant reform in terms of Britain’s relationship with the European Union”.”

Right, so the political elite have made up their minds what’s best for us, and we plebs and peasants can just shut up and do what we’re told – and don’t forget to tug your forelock as they zoom past in their chauffeur-driven Jags that you paid for, either.

I remember, all too well, the number of posters on here before the last election who were haranguing us to “Hold your nose, and vote for Cameron, or you’ll split the Tory vote and let Labour back in! Get him into Downing Street, and he’ll revert to his true Tory instincts!”

My attitude was that voting for you was voting for Tony Blair Mk II – and you’ve proved me right. It isn’t UKIP, or UKIP voters, who’ve split the Tory vote – it’s you.

So, Cameron – how do you think those who told us to “hold our noses” feel now, hmm? Do you think they’ll feel that their loyalty to you has been richly rewarded? I think many of them feel they’ve been had for mugs – and I doubt they’ll either forgive or forget for a very long time.

So why am I addressing my post to you, Cameron? Because I’m damn sure that your party hacks at HQ are going through the comments on this and many other websites, to see how this article is being received by the great unwashed.

From here in response to this.
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Re: Cameron = Liar
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 09:19:10 AM »