
Author Topic: Failure to stop FGM is a 'national scandal', say MPs  (Read 845 times)

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Failure to stop FGM is a 'national scandal', say MPs
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:15:00 AM »
Quote from: BBC Web Shite
The failure to tackle female genital mutilation (FGM) is a "national scandal" with as many as 170,000 victims in the UK, MPs have said.

Failures by ministers, police and other agencies have led to the "preventable mutilation of thousands of girls", the Home Affairs Committee said.

It blamed a "misplaced concern for cultural sensitivities" for inaction, and called for a national action plan.

The government said it was working to end "this terrible form of abuse".

The report called for greater anonymity for victims and protection orders to prevent girls from being taken abroad.


Blah, blah, blah.... of course nothing will be done about it - can't afford to upset the ethnics.... ::)

BUT why is this barbaric practise suddenly in the headlines...?

And WHY is it considered barbaric to hack bits off a woman's genitals but apparently okay to hack bits off a boy's...?

Because we never hear about MGM do we...?
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