We have a problem with our Samsung Fridge/Freezer...
I know what the problem is, but I can't get parts here as everywhere is closed for summer...
Even if I had the parts I am too bizzy at the moment to fit them so need to wait until next week when everybody is back at werk and call an suitably qualified Samsung engineer in....
Sister-in-Law is here...
...her son had a Samsung Fridge/Freezer...
...it too had a fault - not the same as ours mind - apparently they called an engineer in and he replaced 'an wire' which fixed it, but it took 'three days for it to settle down'....
She has told us this story 50,374 times so far - it is driving me completely mental - the main topic of conversation over the past week is the fucking broken fridge...
I know how Growler feels about the werld sometimes....