Dear God! I am finding myself swearing at the TV.
The 'New' answer to gun crime is an 'anonymous' gun hand-in scheme! Building confidence they say!
Are they REALLY so devoid of any intelligence that this is the best they can manage under pressure? Seeing as at least we have seen it as a priority issue for months if not years must mean 'they' are not thinking about it at all.
Ban guns - that's the answer. Oh dear! More gun crime. Never mind, give em really long sentences - that'll scare em. Well, that didn't work either did it, so what now - Ah! I have it! get them to hand in their ?300 gun - Yeah that's it!
Utter tossers. You have never ever had drugs legal and it is the all-pervasive drug market that needs protecting with guns. If you can't stop the drugs.... - hello?
When guns could be legally held, they tended to be a mark of respect because the ticket holder has obviously passed a searching police check as a suitable holder. and while there was gun crime, it was mainly confined to gang use and didn....Hang on... Say that again? Gang use?? Oh Yes! Never thought of that! In the old days gangs didn't really bother us they fought amongst themselves and left us alone.
So what do we do. Ban guns! Double ban guns! Ban pictures of guns. Arrest anybody that even mentions the word guns! What does that achieve? Street cred! "I've got the balls to carry... up yours" is the result "I'm mean - I'm hard - I'll do what I want and I'm not a proper gangster without a shooter."
The more you kick up a fuss about guns the more popular they will be because these youngsters are rebels. Anything that is banned or even disapproved of by government will do - Hell, if the government banned cross dressing they'd wear heels! The incentive to do anything is generated by societies disapproval. This generation of kids have realised that the world is their oyster if they simply ignore the rules and be aggressive because they are untouchable. Today they are terrorising neighbourhoods, tomorrow robbing banks and then holding governments to ransom. They have noticed that anybody with the balls to stand up to them is dealt with sharply by the law for them, otherwise they'll simply shoot them theirselves. Win - Win situation! Kids have no sense of vulnerability, the ten years inside will never apply to them, they are too smart to get caught and if they are nasty enough to terrorise everybody, then there will never be any evidence against them. I'm amazed they aren't running protection, or maybe they are and its being kept quiet. Fear is the glue that is holding all this together so there is only one thing that will break this hold, and that's fear back!
Fear? What kind of fear? --- Fear of pain? Fear of shame... Oh I don't know, why don't we ask some kids? Maybe take their iPods off them?
But what do we do? Think up a hand-in scheme! It is hard to believe that we are quite so inept, everyone keeps yelling for more laws, It's not going to work, we have more than enough laws to jail the entire population, but nowhere to put them. nobody wants to be the one that actually admit that all this progressive shit didn't work and we need to wipe the slate and go back to building more jails and getting on with some sensible policing.
Give them what they are asking for - consequences! You know it makes sense.